What a change in the house, everyone was busy.
It was incredible how busy two babies can make a home.
Luan loved it; he could not believe he had siblings now, it felt like he was an only child for a very long time. His mother said you must never feel that we love you less because of the babies; we will always love the three of you in the same way.
She was worried that he felt a little less loved as he was getting less attention. Mother, you have taught me that every mother love her children in the same way, so please I will never be sad as I love them just as much. There is something I have to ask you, but I know now might not be the right time.
Why his mother asked, you can ask me anything anytime never doubt that. I know that we spent a lot of money with the babies and nappies are expemsive, but our teacher asked us today who of us have computers at home. I told her we always go to the library and how nice that lady is.
Oh sweetheart, I will speak to your father and we can definitely work something out. Please don’t worry about money or things like that as it is not important we have a wonderful family.
That night she told Luan’s father that he talked about a computer, and that he told the teacher he always goes to the library where the nice lady help him.
Luan’s father said, I have been thinking about that for a while. We really have to start teaching him how to use a computer, as long as he does not spend all his time in front of it, and still go to the forest.
Oh he will always go to the forest that is his life as he so love animals.
If you see that he does not play games, and not work on it I will get him a laptop and we can have Wi-Fi put into the house.
He went to Luan’s room and told him, we will get you a computer but there will be rules like we always have on certain things.
Luan grabbed him and hugged him as he really wanted one to learn from. He wanted to learn about the animals and many other things.
Then they heard the babies cry, and they both went to see what was wrong. After getting them to sleep with grandmother helping Luan’s father said.
We will have Wi-Fi put into the house and then we can get the computer. Luan really thanked his father and said I will stick to the rules just like you have taught me since birth.
In the meantime please just learn the way we taught you for so long.
Yes, the computer will be nice, but I will still make notes from my books, that are the main parts of something I learn and then remember it in a sentence or a rhyme.
Mother taught me to make notes and take the most important words out so that I can remember the whole part.
Come and see, I keep all my notes and just before an exam I learn them again. It is just easier for me when I make sentences with the most important words.
Luan’s father could not believe when he saw all the notes from different subjects.
That is a very clever way to remember things you do have a wonderful mother to teach you as computers can help to find things out.
Grandpa always told me if it is on paper and in writing it is for a very long time, and that is the way to learn.
Well technology is there to use to find things out.
If you learn you must do it on paper like you have been doing.
Technology is great and very interesting but not something you use to learn from.
When you do not understand something it can help you to explain it to you, and then you still make your notes that you keep so nicely to learn from.
I have taught Jared the same way Luan said, and his marks have gone up a lot.
Yes because when you learn something, you must understand it, use your notes and it just makes it easier to learn. I am really glad you helped Jared.
It is always good to try and help people. Remember he does not have a wonderful mother like you. It is very nice of you to share her with him. I am so proud of you for everything you do.
His father works the whole day and he does not have the time to help him.
Oh no his father helps him every night to catch up in the way that mother has taught me, so he will be fine Luan said. I don’t share mother with him, she loves him just as much as she does me and the twins.
His father taught him so well, and he is doing well in school now. I think the fact that mother had us win those multiplication medals has just made all of us more pleased.
We really want to win the upcoming spelling competition as well, and we have been learning the way mother taught us.
When we ride to school we ask each other a word to spell and then we know we will do well. So with technology you still have to use your brain to remember things.
Our teacher is also showing us how computers work and she uses a lot of examples for us to understand. So we will probably struggle in the beginning but she always tells us to keep going, in the end we will remember everything we have to.
She has let us make cardboard computers and make us practice typing on them. But she also shows us that we can only get information from it and we must still learn hard.
She has downloaded a maths dictionary that we can use; she lets us look up some things in there when we get stuck. It is very nice.
Thank you for being such a wonderful father.
I am now going to say goodnight to everyone and go to bed, thank you for reading for me from proverbs as it is my favourite part in the bible.
Then when he had done it all he went to bed and fell asleep.
Thank you for reading my series and homework, and may you have a wonderful day.
well, writing.Thanks for sharing it
Nice article.
i like it.....your all post dear
wow good writing dear @bigbear @love you dear i @resteem your all post dear
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This great writing i appreciate your post thanks for sharing...
wow! nice baby dear
woww...well post..good writing dear..
thank you for sharing your post...i like your all post.. my dear friend @bigbear..
Daily Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.
Great stoy and good writing.i like your post and upvoted.
enjoy read thus post. that is a good staff. Thanks for share,
Very nice post and great writing...
Thank you so much for the trouble you go to making my day.
Without a child's house does not seem to be. Are the children priceless? He loves everyone's mind.
thanks for sharing this post I appreciate your writing....
I am so agreed with you that Technology can help a lot
but it has some demarites
Nice post friend
Extraordinary post greetings good friend
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Your posts always amaze me.
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Excellent post, very informative, the way you expressed your ideas in a simple and concrete way is very good!👍
Thank you so much.
excellent post..well, writing...
thank you for sharing with us.. my dear friend @bigbear..
Beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing