There is a HUGE amount of words in a single language. It is often overwhelming to a learner and in some cases, deters them from continuing to learn. It is best to start with 100 of the most common words and phrases in a learner's chosen language. These must be practical and have a frequent everyday use. One good way to determine which words to include in a vocabulary like this is for the individual to pay attention to how they speak.

They can distinguish which words they say often and list them down. These words will be the basis of their vocabulary list. It is also helpful to create different sentences using these words for practice. This method is helpful in whittling down what is essential to learn and what is not as important. This allows the learner to spend more time learning more useful phrases and vocabulary that they can make immediate practical use of.
Here are the previous parts/steps of this series:
Step #01: Identify Your Learning Style
Step #02: Set Achievable Goals
Step #03: Accept That You Cannot Always Be Fluent
Step #04: Be Patient and Prepared to Put in Effort
Step #05: Take Advantage of Free Resources
Step #06: Adhere to a Strict Study Schedule
Step #07: Visualize Your Goals
Step #08: Write Notes by Hand
Step #09: Use Flashcards
Step #10: Prepare Visual Aids
Step #11: Revert Back to Childhood
Step #12: Embrace Mistakes
Step #13: Learn How to Listen
Step #14: Read Children's Books
Step #15: Consume Foreign Media You Find Interesting
Step #16: Listen to Radio Stations
Step #17: Learn Practical Phrases
Step #18: Record and Listen to Yourself
Step #19: Tolerate Ambiguity