10 Secrets to University Success That Also Work in All Areas in Your Life

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Its the digital age, the world is saturated with a thousand people just like you, and the need for excellence has never been greater.

You see it in the workforce: 3000 applicants battling for each position. You see it on Steemit: 50 articles per day about any given subject.

You are a tiny minnow in life, everywhere you go. So what can you do to make yourself stand out and get noticed?

Success comes if you set yourself apart from the masses, you find a non saturated niche, or you work your glutes off.

What's is going to be? Here are ten tips for university success, which also translate into all other areas of your life- even Steemit.

  • Choose carefully. In University, you must declare a major- or field of study- that you will be working toward. Say you wish to become a scientist, you will then take classes to help you learn all you can about that field, such as maths, chemistry, biology, etc. Before you begin any sort of life change or job search, think carefully: is this what you really want? Will you love doing this? Follow the path where your passion lies, then "work" will never be "work".

  • Learn from the best. Find someone whom you respect and admire, and learn all you can from them. Read all their works, do some research as to what they did to get where they are, and emulate them. Then branch out from there, using what you know now, to discover new things or do it better.

  • Ask questions. Ask for help. Do not be afraid to admit you do not know everything! We are all in a continual learning process, and remember that the greats were once right where you were.

  • Participate. Get involved in extracurriculars related to your studies. You will meet more people with similar interests, make lifelong connections by networking, and get a broader perspective of ideas and concepts.

  • Learn how to manage your money. Balancing a budget is a skill everyone needs, and the earlier you learn the better. Soon it will be ingrained and you will avoid going into (too much) debt.

  • Research proves that notes taken by hand on paper are retained by the brain, whereas notes taken on a computer are forgotten. It has something to do with the brain believing once you put something in a computer it stays forever so the brain does not feel the necessity to make neural connections to memorize it. And, writing important info in a notebook helps you retain info at least 50% better than memorization.

  • You are who you hang around. This is a very true statement. If you hang out with criminals, you are bound to get in trouble- at the very least with Guilt by Association. If your friends are slackers you will be tempted to let laziness kick in. but if the people you surround yourself are high achieving go getters who aim to succeed, their energy and drive will motivate you to action. Choose your friends wisely.

  • Do something for yourself. I am a high energy go getter. Once I set my mind on something I give it all I have. But I get in trouble- mentally and physically worn down- and that sets me back and can have long term damages if I keep going like that. I have learned that I need to take me time, even if I have to force myself! Which I often do, lol. But once I have completed whatever it was to relax and recharge myself I feel better and was super glad I devoted the time to do something just for me, and I came back to my project refreshed, renewed, energized, and with a clearer and less stressed mindset.

  • Take control. This is your life! And the only one you know for sure that you have. You must live it to your expectations. Never let anyone dictate your life for you, not what job you must show up to everyday nor your hobbies. As long as you are not hurting anyone or damaging anything, go for your dreams! And when you get out on your own and into the wide world of college and the workforce, you don't have anyone telling you what to do anymore. Your mom isn't going to make sure you're not late, and you are in charge of your own laundry and nutrition now ;) Which brings me to my final, and arguably most important tip for success:

  • Learn how to manage your time. Money management is super important, but money comes and goes. Once you have lost time you can never get it back.

Make each minute count.

Live a life you can be proud of. Live a life that brings you joy.

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Learn how to manage your time. Money management is super important, but money comes and goes. Once you have lost time you can never get it back.

I think that's the most important.
Time is everything.
Thank you @arbitrarykitten for your nice and useful topics

Absolutely correct :)

Thank you for reading!

Well this is detailing I still remember my first year in college, I had everything upside down for me, most importantly I spent my time lavishly and it told in my results

I was studying journalism and well it's required a lot of research but I was relying on my abilities to do the unthinkable, it was terrible at the end.

However I did come to realization and adjusted quickly before I failed again

This is mind blowing I enjoyed reading

Thank you for sharing. So many do not realize this and end up paying the price.

Its midnight here, and I kept musing reading this.

I'm glad to always contribute ma'm

Happy Valentine's Day to my loving friend @arbitrarykitten mam.....

Who said Valentine's Day
Should only be for couples?
Here's a special wish for a
Special person in my life who
has showered me with love,
trust, admiration and
never-ending support.
Happy Valentine's Day my friends.
I am in love with the bond of
Friendship that we share.
Happy Valentine's Day to the
dearest and nearest friend
In my life!...

Happy Valentines Day to you as well my friend <3

Thank you :)

"Do not be afraid to admit you do not know everything!"
This line resonates with me strongly. I will ask as many questions as it takes to get the answers I am searching for, and I have always been that way. I would always ask my Mom why?... for everything. ALWAYS growing and developing is the key to a happy and fruitful life. Once grown stops, decay sets in and then soon death. STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE, AND SETTLE FOR NOTHING.

Well said!

I am of the belief that one only begins to "grow old" when they stop inquiring and cease to be open to new ideas, concepts and things.

First thing I want to say is that you are amazing. Now that we have established that I can actually comment on something related to your amazing post today. : )

You have some amazing tips for people willing to listen. And, first and the most important thing about learning, in general, is learning how to LISTEN. Because you can learn something from everybody. I mean everybody. Sometimes you learn how to do some things, and sometimes how not to do things from just listening to other people. And, of course, you especially learn from listening to other successful and wise people.

I think you pretty much covered all of it in your tips. I had no idea about the science behind writing on a computer in compared to writing by hand. That sure is one interesting fact I learned today. I think I might start doing that myself. So thank you for a wonderful tip.

"I just learned from you, because I learned how to listen and read with attention."

So thank you. Have an amazing day. :)

I think that University is just "Adulting" Lite. So many skills can be applied to real life. Unlike High School or lower haha!

Adulting lite! Love it!

Are they the secrets for this imbalanced world?

Some translate ;)

Really inspiring

Thank you :)

Ure welcome

Excellent post and advice

Thanks Jay!

Most welcome

@arbitraykitten I am so surprised that you did not come over to READ my last posting of the @hodgetwins get a Shout Out from The Lady of The Bunker. If you look under the YouTube Video in the post you will see some Instructions, if you Follow the Instructions and UP Vote, Comment and Resteem then you will receive your Reward........

Thank you so much for the heads up mate :)

Somebody has to help keep the Tank Full on the Jeep !

You rock. That is all.


I am way passed the age of university, now am a mother. However, I still find your blog very on-point, and it will surely help those who are still in universities. It is full of inspiration to live our life to the fullest. It even benefits me as a mother. Thank you 😃

That is good to hear, thank you <3

Learn how to manage your time. Money management is super important,

if I may add to that...

11/ Stay out of marxist educational facilitates - which generally means avoid university like the plague.
(unless specializing - like a doctor, or something)

Further education is a financial con, and an educational black hole...

...managing your time and money starts with not wasting 4 years of your life, and getting into crippling debt -for years and years.
Debt slavery is not freedom.

...Just sayin'..

American universities do have a barrel of issues i do not agree with...

That is the basic truth if you want to succeed and again i will add to it by saying you got to be focus and determined to get 5his all achieved @arbitrarykitten

Yes! Clear focus and stubborn determination wins the race!

You are who you hang around.

I can relate well with this statement. I remember when I first joined steemit.. It wasn't easy and kinda downcast when I saw how things were going with my blog but as I joined a community of like minds and how they still push forward whether things was going well or not, I became motivated. I refused to be left out.

Tnx MA, 4 this amazing post..

Yes! You are STEEMing the right way ;)

What I liked about your post is that it's so simple and common sense, yet very valuable and applicable to all walks of life. I wish I actually had someone tell me those things when I was in college, but hey... we get to learn the hard way too. Thanks for sharing @arbitrarykitten.

I think sometimes we get stuck in a path and don't realize, and even if the info is out there we disregard it. Hindsight is 20/20 ;)

The tips you've given here are, frankly, priceless. I remembered applying them in my university days and they worked really good. Thanks for refreshing my memory.

The best party is they work even after University :)

Good tips to succede, sometimes i feel a Little minnow, thank you for share this post

Thank you for reading!

I saw this post in one of my discord servers, I already went to University many years ago to get my degree. I thought I was not going to study anymore for another degree but now with the high demand on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies and the passion I have for it, I am doing research for certifications. This post helps to motivate me thank you!

Upvote and followed!

Great field to get into! Good idea, and I'm glad to be helpful! Good luck :)

You are right! Your tips would be of great help. Kindly see also some great projects of my students in.... https://steemit.com/invention/@bgie8311/technology-the-idea-today-the-reality-of-tomorrow thank you very much.

I'm so happy to be inspirational :)

Hey @arbitary kitten! nice read. I think that it is important to study something that you are interested in as it will keep you motivated to do your best. I studyed marketing and got my masters and near the end I really didnt enjoy the work and my marks started to drop (I started off enthusiastic like most)...

After working I realised this wasnt for me and retrained to be a teacher and can say I have found my passion! my marks were higher than ever and when I got out into work I had the most job satisfaction ive ever had.

I also agree with the point about time management - i was always the type to get onto my assignments straight away. Others would often spend alnight the night before while I was relaxing as I had already finished.

Agreed. Always do what makes you happy- even if you have to change your life :)

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