

Creating harmony in a chaotic classroom
Although at first it sounds illogical, the habitual behavior of children (tremendous and chaotic at times) can be perfectly moldable, since they resemble a blank book, capable of being molded in a better way thus creating incredible people when they are taking more conscience.

How do we achieve this?
The first thing you should consider is to prepare a cozy space where the child feels safe and protected, the colors of the walls are even a point to evaluate, remember that fast food places usually have citrus colors, this with the intention that the consumer arrives, bought and leaves quickly in such a way as to have positions available for the next clients, in the classroom they must achieve the opposite, choose soft colors, that calm the psyche of the little ones.
The order is an important point, the children dont not synonymous with disorder, the most correct thing is to create different areas depending on the activities you wish to develop.
Breathing: an involuntary and automatic activity that can be done consciously
Imagine for a moment that you receive a child in the entrance is hugging the leg of his father and does not stop crying do you think there would be a difference if instead of asking him to open your book you ask him to do breathing exercises to help to relax? Surely the child, even out of curiosity, will react differently.

Start with simple exercises teaching your students to take a breath (inhale) keep it in your stomach and then be expelled (exhale) slowly and gradually, also teach them to focus on a pleasant and simple thought for their young age, such as : in a fluffy cloud, a rainbow in the sky or a leaf that falls because autumn has arrived.
Accompany the breathing with some music
Maybe you start to question the reason for breathing and music if you are a math teacher and you can ask yourself where in my academic programming are you asking me to do this?
Dear teacher! There is no more rewarding activity that your students want to see classes with you and the results of their evaluations are satisfactory, so why not? Creating a harmonious environment by giving importance to the mind and body will not only help your students have more disposition to learn but it will make the day more bearable.
Currently there are many sounds that help to release tension, fears, music that helps you relax, expand your mind, help you in concentration, each of them can be used to accompany the activity of breathing, if you have no idea what they are nor how to get them, here is an example of them:
Final commitment before the start of the school day: The Relaxation
After dedicating the first 10 minutes of class to activities such as conscious breathing accompanied by music to concentrate and study, the final result you will have you will be "a relaxed student" and as I have explained in other posts: a relaxed student is a student who can achieve a super learning.
Also keep in mind that according to the doctor Herbert Benson:
Relaxation is the ability of the body to reach a special state characterized by a decrease in heart rate, blood pressure and brain waves and a general reduction in the speed of metabolism. In this state, the changes produced by relaxation also counteract the harmful effects and annoying sensations generated by stress.
Quoted by the author Zoraida Montes in her book "Beyond education"
This is another post dedicated to the Steemiteducation community, I hope you like it and be of benefit to you

Hi, great ideas.
I am teaching the grades 7 to 10 at the moment and as they have to change rooms frequently it is hard to get them to concentrate. From time to time I wonder, weather I should try meditations but then I have to face the short time I have for my lessons...
Keep up the great work.
Meditation is a yearning for me too, I want to do it, I want it with my heart, but my daily journey often prevents it.
Daily I get up very early and go to bed very late, I have three jobs and three children, that is, a complete madness.
But still, I have taught my children what meditation is and why it should be practiced.
Thank you very muchi Stemiteducation
Thank you very much, Steemiteducation