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RE: Pencil Grip: Right or Wrong

I never gave too much thought for this. But now that I'm thinking, I believe that anyone can hold the pencil how they feel comfortable and this is the right way to hold the pencil. Me, for example, as a right hander, I'll hold the pencil a little bit inclined to the right, while my wife, being a left hander, she'll keep the pencil bent over to the left. So I believe it's truly a matter of choice and comfort!


I hold my pencil "wrong" and I wish someone would have worked with me when I was little to correct it. I have tire out easily and have some arthritis in my middle finger due to my grip. I definitely watch how my kids are holding their pencils. You don't know when you are 7 years old how it will affect you later.

I'm a repentant (but not reformed) thumb tucker.


Thanxs @beriberi for replying. I was also taught wrong. I think that is why this is such an important part of teaching for me. I do the thumb wrap when I don't concentrate and focus on my pencil grip. When I decided to become a teacher I had to re-teach myself because I can't try to teach the children the correct pencil grip if I don't do it properly.

@adriancazacu when the little ones don't have the proper pencil grip their hands tire out very quickly and they can't complete there tasks. That is why some/most of the teachers will always remind the learners to hold their pencils in the correct manner. This way they won't tire out that quickly.

I agree and disagree with your comment. I agree that a good teacher notices when a kid is struggling, and provides alternative methods to help the "little one" succeed. But inferring that every kid that doesnt hold his pencil the "right way" tires more quickly is incredibly misleading.

So I know people are probably reading this comment and saying to themselves... Dang, settle down sir... Its not that big of a deal... To those people, I will leave y'all with this:

The most brilliant men and women throughout history do not do everything the same way as everyone else. If they did, innovation would cease to exist, and people like Einstein, Curie, Newton, Shakespere & Tesla alike would never be celebrated today.

It is the differences and unique traits of individual people that strengthen society and lead to advancements, not similarities. So if a kid looks, writes, speaks, or thinks differently he is should be celebrated and encouraged rather then encouraged to conform. Who knows. . Maybe he will figure out a better and mkre efficient way to write.. There are enough "yes men" in the world today already. We need more people willing to pursue original concepts, thoughts, techniques, and ideas.

I agree, I am the only one out of my family that holds a pencil the "right way" yet I have the worst handwriting (except for my cursive, which isnt even taught in most schools anymore). It should be remembered that every person's body is different, so I would think that different people would feel more comfortable and in turn be more proficient writers if they found what worked best for them. While this may be the most common way to hold a writing untensil, kids should be encouraged (as in any subject) to find their own technique that works best for them.