Learn Why Moral Education Is Important

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

Everyone has the right to an education. It is through education that we develop skills which will later allow us to make a living as adults. Not only does education help us in the working world however, it also helps us learn how to cope in the demanding world we live in and how to lead paths that are honest and virtuous.

Education never ends really, even far into adulthood, there is always something new to learn, mostly because the world is constantly changing. We learn about languages, how to read and how to write. We learn about science and maths and the universe. The list of subjects goes on!

However, apart from all of these formal subjects, there is something just as important to be learnt – morals. Moral education is related to the politeness and behavior of a person, whether it is a word or a deed. Morals are first taught at home by a child’s parents, but as they start their schooling career, it is important that teachers also play a role in educating their students on how to socialise and treat others correctly.

Moral education can be taught to a child from when they first learn how to walk and talk, if not before! This way, good habits can be imprinted on a child from an early age. Teaching moral education in children requires patience and caution – to teach the right way, you need to know the right way!

Moral education for children is done in stages according to the ability and age of the child. When the child is good at talking and has begun to interact with the environment, then moral education needs to be advanced to a stage where the children are prepared for the school years to come.

Lessons of responsibility and mutual respect

Habits tend to set in from about 3 years of age.Children like to imitate the things they see and hear around them, so your first step is to ensure that they are placed in the correct environment and that good examples are set. Parents and teachers need to explain to their children that honest behaviour is very important and includes a commendable attitude, especially to be liked by their friends.

One of the first steps in teaching children to be responsible is to explain to them that they need to take ownership for their mistakes. They need to learn how to apologize, sincerely of course.

Lessons for humility

Teaching humbleness and modesty is an important part of moral education.It is important to not only explain the concept of being humble, but to also point out when someone is being humble, so that children can have a good understanding.

Moral lessons should always be included in lessons or school curriculums. In essence, moral lessons are more important than any other topic to be learnt, since without morals, we will have a very hard time putting our other knowledge into practice.

This post has been edited by a member of the @blue-pencil team.



Great job on this post@

thank you for visiting @corpdetoxbliss

lailatul qadar, trok @arama
terrific post

makasih ka neusaweu postingan lon @hubbi

Hi @abdys! Firstly, thanks for the post!

An important part of your post which I feel needs to be emphasized is the fact that this starts at home. There needs to be a consistent boundary which enforces these moral standards, irrespective of where children/learners go.

In essence it is the responsibility of society to set an example for children, though I guess it's easy to admit that we fail at this. But before I digress.

As a teacher I try and live through example. Some of my favourite moments in class are when I make mistakes and have to apologize and explain. I always apologize, sincerely, and explain why I was wrong. I then ask them for their forgiveness irrespective of how silly my error might have been. 99.9% of my learners love and trust me. This is very important. They realize that I am not ashamed to admit my mistakes and they also realize, through my act of admitting wrong-doing, how important my relationships with them, are. This also ties in to what you said about taking responsibility and ownership over mistakes (which can be a very interesting article all on its own).

Thanks for the fantastic post and please, keep it up! Would love to read more.


I agree with you. thank for visiting and comments


Moral education means an ethical education to follow the good and right principles of life.

It consists of some basic
principles, like truthfulness, honesty, charity, hospitality, tolerance, love, kindness and sympathy.

Moral education makes one perfect.
Education is not aimed at obtaining only a degree.

Moral education can be learnt at home, school and

The scope for imparting moral teaching to the
children is greater in home than in school or college
because greater part of time is spent at home.


Thank you for visiting and coment, I agree with you

Thank you for allowing a member of the @blue-pencil team to edit this post for you.

Moral education is really important to get more knowledge and to succeed in life!

Thanks, I agree with you

Nic post

Thank you for your @missrdx

The importance of education cannot be over emphasised. Education is a basic foundation of every society at large.

Thank you

Good post. I recall there was a subject called Guidance when I was in school that taught morals and manners. It was in primary school though.

Thanks for a very interesting reading.
It got me to think about the problem rising from the wish to teach moral lessons, since even inside a rather homogeneous society, there are significant differences between what one will perceive as moral and what the other will..

Thanks again for this.

I love learning

all we need knowledge, thank you for visiting

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Many thank, @bitgeek

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Bereh that neu temuleh tgk abdullah @abdys. Nyan neu kalon @musarhan :)

Terimakasih bang @sudarman.puteh ka neupiyoh bak postingan lon. saleum hormat

Mantap! bang @abdys. Terus menulis dan kreatif

wow, bang lah the best

Terimakasih @safrims

The world currently due to the crisis lacks morality, everyone is selfish and only fight for their own interests.

Thank you