Doodle Contest. So happy that she is hosting this lovely contest and I had to support it in some way with my participation. Without further a do, let's get on with this post!Ello, ello again, ladies and gentlemen. I am back once again with an entry for @coloringiship's
The Inspiration

This is our family cat, Kimi. It's not the first time he's inspired a drawing from me. And as you can see, he's quite the fluffy cat. My mom especially loves how fluffy he is so she wants to ensure his fur was always great. He eats the best food, arguably better than the rest of us in the house.
And one of the important parts of great fur care is...well...the baths.
The Process

I start out with a simple sketch of the drawing. I use a lot of circles in my base, not trying to be too accurate to keep in the spirit of doodling, but still have the base skeleton read as a cat. Then I clean up the sketch and add further characteristics like the expression.

So the goal I had in mind when drawing this is to transfer some my process in drawing traditional with my digital stuff. I usually tend to keep both methods different from each other but this time I approach this doodle in the same way I would as though I were drawing in my sketchbook.
Although I faltered to a more digital look in the lining, I try to keep it as organic as possible in the texture of the colouring. Instead of working against the textured brush and blending it out smooch, I try to keep present and visible as much as possible.
Then I shaded it rather messily, kind of like how I would with my watercolour when I add too much water in it.

Adding the last touches like highlight and changing the colour of the lines a little and I'm done!
Process GIF

So that is it for now. Glad to have made it, albeit in a last minute sense.
See You Next Post!

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Maine Coon? My sister has a Maine Coon, a timid tabby. Every Sunday she would hide in a room and refused to come out because Sunday is her bath day LOL. Clever cat.
Haha no, he's a Persian mix. We wished he was a Maine Coon though! He's a strange cat though. He loves baths. He would give my mom little kisses when she gives him a bath.
My inlaws have a cat looks exactly the same :D Very calm and a bit lazy haha. He has the most adorable stare- he puts his head sideways. He doesn't seem to mind baths tho too much.
Awesome drawing, the expression is the best xD
Awww, he sounds absolutely adorable, @kristyglas! I think he knows the power he has in his stares ;D Thank ya!
Are you a Creative multimedia student? I was from mmu too😜
Yes, I am! Oh my gosh, nicceee. Great to see more MMU-ians here =D
there are a few of us here ! but .......................
we graduated more than 10 years ago!
disclosed my age already............ops.....................