
Steemit Diversify promote a public campaign last january 30,2017. @antonette invited me last week to join their campaign supposed to be held at Quezon City showtime studio.

I was thinking if should I go or not? the schedule were conflict, that day was my niece 1st birthday.I prefer to chose steemit for the reason that I am keen to learn more about stemmit and their strategies.

I woke up early at 4:00am dawn taking a bath in a cold water and preparing myself for the said event. We grab a car going to showtime studio. but Ahh!, we arrived late! we cannot enter the studio because the audience entrance gate is already closed.


We went to Mcdonalds fastfood chain we ate breakfast while planning our ''PLAN B'' of where to go next and what to do.
This time, I met @iwrite he's really a good mentor too. we are grateful to have them as our idealistic mentor @antonette and @iwrite they work hard together to build STEEMIT DIVERSIFY TEAM.

Building a team is like planting a tree you need the help of a farmer, and other aspects in other to have grow it bigger. Same goes to a team to improve it we need to water it with encouragement and new idea, a new strategy to learn in every way, a leader to guide their member and a member to help their leader... cause a leader without a subordinates is useless, same as a seed without a farmer doesn't make any sense... We should give and take process!

While walking on our way, we stop over at Pinoy big brother house we took selfie,twofie and groupie with holding banner of steemit.

Now heading to SM north Edsa for flyering...


Distribution of flyers to people while exposing under the heat of the sun is not that easy.
we get rejected, some will refuse to receive, some of them think that we offer networking job.

We had a very long day and productive day to us! though, we felt tired on that day still we are able to manage our smiles to people we met a long the way and made them interested join,to listen and to learn about STEEMIT!

Atlast, we made it successful! This is not the end of our journey to steemit. It's just a beggining! :) special thanks to my mentors @iwrite,@antonette who exerted their effort to made this campaign possible to happen ,@jimbarcelona,@jadebarcelona and @michaelunicorn for the cooperation of our team.





Photo source from my steemit diversify team
some are mine!


congrats sayang I am too far away

someday maam we will unite in one place :) hehe! thank you so much maa @purpledaisy

Great campaign!

yes @loistoryador hope you can join us too for the next campaign hehe.

Our effort didn't up in vain. We still proceed to Plan B and we made it! Thought tired we and I end up with a big smile! Go Go Go Steemit Diversify!

Go for the goals sir @iwrite. you and @antonette served as our inspiration to do it.

Steemit is a worth sharing platform.Keep it up! Sana minsan mga weekends para mkakasama din ako

wow! great job! :)

i forgot to follow u last time.. in ur intro post. got it now..

keep up your doing great here on steemit! :)