Halo- Halo! An Awesome & Colorful Dessert for Summer!


Hey guys! Welcome to my blog! @blogger017 here. Today, I wanted to talk about a famous dessert here in my country, the Philippines! Every summer, or atleast during summer, it tends to be extra hot here, alot of people have their ways to cool themselves down and beat the heat! Well me, I just simply eat this famous Filipino Dessert! Halo- Halo!

Halo- Halo is a dessert famous in the Philippines, and is really great during summer! To beat the heat! It is called Halo- Halo or in english it kinda means mixed all together, because it has so many ingredients! I also said that it is colorful because the ingredients in the dessert are often really really colorful! Much like this,


(I captured this photo of Halo- Halo, because I ordered this Halo- Halo in a Fast food Restaurant here in the Philippines too, which is Mang Inasal.)

See! So many colors! But in this blog, I wanted to List down, the ingredients that I use in making my own Halo- Halo! It is not very easy, but not too hard too! So here we go!

Also, Halo- Halo is often placed in a tall glass or sometimes in a bowl.

  • Firstly, Ice or Shaved Ice to be exact, we shave ice and then I place them into a bowl or a glass, I put plenty because this is really the part of Halo- Halo that is really refreshing and cool! So I tend to put alot, I mean alot. 😂

  • Next, I put the ingredients! The yellow fruit, Banana! Bananas are sliced into pieces, and they are placed inside the bowl or glass too.

  • Next, Sweet potato! Violet! Sweet potatoes, like bananas, are sliced into pieces, but sweet potatoes are sliced into smaller pieces and are also placed inside the bowl or glass.

  • Kernel Corn! For a bright yellow! Whenever we have Kernel corns, we often place them on top and they are like toppings.

  • I also have Sago & Tapioca pearls. Sometimes, The Sago ingredients are colored, they add such beautiful colors!

  • Purple Yam! One of my personal favorite ingredient in Halo- Halo! It is really sweet!

  • Leche Flan! Leche flan can also be a topping of Halo- Halo, it is really sweet too!

  • Jackfruit! The jackfruit strips are also parts of the ingredients of Halo- Halo!

  • Gelatin!, an ingredient of Halo- Halo as well! It is placed inside the bowl of Halo- Halo, and is often colorful too!

  • Nata de Coco, it is translucent and it looks like jelly. It is also an ingredient of Halo- Halo.

  • sugar and evaporated milk!

Okay so, even if there are so many ingredients of Halo- Halo, there are only a few steps how to make one! Here’s how I do it:

  • First, place sugar into a bowl or glass.

  • Second, place all the ingredients.

  • Third, prepare the ice & shave!, then place on top of the ingredients.

  • Fourth, place the Toppings, it can be (leche flan, purple yam & wafer stick.) then pour some evaporated milk!

Pretty easy right? A very easy way in making a very refreshing and cool dessert, perfect for summer! This is one of the reasons why, I love Halo- Halo so much. Because it has so many flavorful Ingredients & it tastes great! Plus, it really is refreshing!

Well, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed & thanks for viewing as well!

Photos from @blogger017