The key problem is that Steemd is single threaded, however, we are well along in the process of making it multithreaded.
This is fantastic. Looks like Steem will be the first multi-threaded blockchain ahead of EOS.
I did not see I/O mentioned - this seems like a greater challenge currently. I assume you're working to optimize it, but it would be great if you mentioned specifics.
Naturally. Our team who actually conceived and designed multi threaded scaling with Chainbase and the rest of the steem blockchain stack have always and still work here. I'd be surprised if any group copying the strategy got there first.
Multithreaded? could you kindly explain more on this? is this the same concept in Computer Science e.g. multithreaded Programming?
Thanks, @justyy
I wasn't sure I had read this part of the post right. I'm glad you're confirming this part.