The Steemit Crypto Challenge #13 - Winner Announcement

Prepare - Uncover - Outwit - Find - WIN!

The 13th Steemit Crypto Challenge is over and we are happy to announce the winner:
Congratulations @waldfee!

You followed your intuition and stayed on the right track. Solving the puzzle you saved your reward. 100 Steem goes to you.


Here is a breakthrough, showing step by step what you had to do in order to solve the crypto-puzzle.
The two given hints were:

Caesar Encryption

LOXYZYZKVOYJJUTK is Caeser-shifted and decrypted is the following: firststepisdone. This however is not the password to unlock the rar file. Notice that I had a spelling mistake in the headline. P and Y are switched and have a number each, 1 and 2. The encrypted word has also the numbers 1 and 2, which lead to the conclusion so switch the letters here as well. Bingo now it works!

U3RlZW1mZXN0MnJvY2tzIQ==. She successfully decrypted the word and got the right solution! steemfest2rocks!

User @anduweb found out that the password to decrypt the .rar file was given in the header image. The letters @waldfee finally was able to solve the puzzle and found out that inside the .rar file was a picture. This picture contained the pastebin logo and a code. The code was part of the URL to the pastebin doc. Inside this pastebin doc was a base64 encoded passphrase

Tim SaidGreat work and congratulations to the winner and all who participated. @andu you get 10 Steem for the first hint! Don't miss the next Steemit Crypto Challenge and be prepared.


Thanks for the great challenge.
As I wrote in a commet, i found these challenge randomly.
My main interest is photography and i'm here to share some of my picture (most of them are macro shots).
But cryptography is my second passion and i'm surprised to found these excelent challenge.

Great you found this challenge and looking forward to see you maybe solve the next ones! Also happy that you enjoy photography! This week I will start to share more of my photographs with you

congratulations! :) @waldfee

thank you

you're welcome :) sent you a follow

I tried. But it was too tough for me lol

Most excellent contests! Thanks for sharing the results and the key to its answer, exciting development in itself really. I love it!

Namaste :)

Congratulations @waldfee!

Wonderful work my friend. Great challenge
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this is too cool. Sorry I missed it. Congats!

i would not miss it... that i promise

Cool that you took the time to create this puzzle. Wouldn't have been able to finish it myself but really interesting stuff!

Teamwork can help! Put together in groups when you can't solve it on your own

Waw, this amazing challenge!!!

Congratulations and enjoy!

Nice challenge and congrats ^^

Interesting piece. 😀

Hi, I've seen some of your publications I'm going to follow, follow me and let's collaborate together =)

nice...upvote and resteem for you...

Great challenge! Following

I got stuck in finding the solution. Perhaps my English ain’t enough to get into the puzzle adequately or my math ability is poor or both … But I confess I did not waste time, thanks