What a great one @danielsaori! This truly looks scrumptious! Heres what I commented on the original post...
Ohh my goodness!! Lemon is a favorite of mine! Its so bright and tangy, whats not to love! This recipe has me super excited. Its so simple and easy to follow. The ingredients are simple and I have all in the pantry already! And a video? How genius of you! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful recipe with us, looking forward to surprising the family with it!
Thanks for the opportunity and a big thanks to @hitmeasap for the great donation!
I will be waiting for your post: "I made a lemon pie because of Steemit!" ;)
Haha! What better excuse to make a pie!?
You're welcome and I'm happy to help! :)
@danielsaori does a great job with this and I just simply thought that a small donation could come to use. :)
He sure does!