Hi there DS! Been waiting for this contest. ♥
First of all, I think the "no voting" is a good move. Second, I think adding the "upvote this post" rule would be quite ok considering the prizes you give each week. Lots of other contests with smaller prize pool are implementing the "must upvote this post" rule and lots of people gladly join it. I know that it's a rule in the gray area, so the decision is back to you. :D
My entry... posted as is to bait002...
do something that you would be remembered for here and beyond.
That is a beautiful quote you have there. ♥
The best legacy that I could think of immediately would be the Nobel Prize. It's been 122 years after the death of Alfred Nobel, but his legacy still remains strong until today. Mother Teresa was also leaving her legacy clear and strong.
Creating international legacy would be quite difficult for some people. However, I believe that simple legacy could be done by everyone. Imo, to create a legacy, we can do it in two ways, the long and short way.
The long way would be to build systems in place. E.g. for your offline school you must have been building systems such as curriculums and Standard Operation Procedures.
The short way could be as simple as Pay It Forward movement. When we receive something (such as knowledge) from A, we could just pass it to B. B then to C, and so on.
Congratulation in leaving your legacy. I believe that even though the exchange could serve more people, but you offline Steemit scholl would leave bigger impact in people's lifes.
The voting part is fun in a way but too few people got engaged in it and it was easy to game the system to get into Top5.
The upvoting part was link to my use of bid bots. I have never required people to upvote to be able to participate.
I’ve been using bid bots on these posts to boost earnings, so I’ve been able to payout more. So that is what I will stop with. 😀