πŸ’Œ Steemit Comment Challenge #11 - $30SBD + 50% $Post Giveaway - Comment like a Champ, Grow your blog like a Champ!! πŸ’Œ

Transform your Comment into Cash

Welcome to Steemit Comment Challenge #11!!!

It is now time for Comment Challenge #11.
We have an awesome donation this week and I'm also upping my own contribution, so we are well set to break the old prize record. Let’s beat that 35.5SBD!

Get ready to deliver some magnificent comments! Pollish your keyboard and sharpen your mind, I wanna see those comments rolling in. Please show me what you have got!

It is important to get followers, but you also want the correct type of followers. Followers that are truly interested in your blog and what you write, and not the β€œI-follow-you-if-you-follow-me” kind of type. And to attract the right type of followers, you need to write godlike comments.

This challenge is all about writing godlike comments.

  • In each challenge a post from a fellow minnow will be featured.
  • The challenge is to write an amazing comment related to that post.
  • I will resteem the post.
  • I will give it a 100% upvote.

This will be part of my campaign to help other Minnows. The #minnowsupportproject helped me and I want to help others.

Join the challenge and practice your skills.

Please join the fun! πŸ’“ πŸ’“

That will be me reading your entries...

Challenge Instructions

Write a comment linked to the content in the section below "Post To Review"

Write a comment that will intrigue the reader. The comment should be interesting and create an urge in the reader to click through to your blog.

The entry needs to be written as a comment to this post.

Please resteem to help promote this challenge!
Tell your friends to come and vote for your comment!


The prize money for Challenge #11 will be 30 SBD + 50% of the profit from this post.

One talented winner will receive the prize money!

The guaranteed prize is record high this week! We first have an awesome 10SBD donation from @nanosesame. She will also act as this week's guest judge. Thank you dear for the donation! And after some great personal success this week, a nice "job" payout from #minnowsupportproject and lucky hits with the vote bots, I will increase my own contribution to 20SBD. So there is no better time than now to join the challenge. 30SBD+ can be yours!!!

Rules and conditions

  • The comment should be relevant to the content below in: "Post To Review".
  • The entry needs to be written as a comment to this post.
  • Entries limited to one per person.
  • I will reply to your comment confirming it is a valid entry.
  • The challenge ends at the end of the 7th day of this post.
  • To vote for an entry, reply to the comment with the words "vote or voted"
  • Upvotes are allowed to make the entry more visible, but the upvotes themselves play no role in the challenge.
  • The Top5 entries with the most votes(i.e. replies with the words "vote or voted") will be potential winners.
  • The two judges will pick the winner from the Top5.
  • If the judges can not reach a consensus, they will each pick one candidate and flip a coin. @dorabot will be used for this in MSP's Discord server.
  • If the winner is not a Minnow, the prize will be split in 2 and the other half paid out to the best Minnow. After all, this is a competition to encourages Minnows, so hopefully that will be fair.
  • The definition for a Minnow from #minnowsupportproject will be used. A Minnow is someone with less than 5K SP. (I have removed the followers requirement as I don't see that as relevant.)

Post To Review

Here follows the post for you to review:
Challenge #11 Post

Art with @alcy. Can you find the spark in your characters?

This week's featured post is from @alcy. Her blog is about art, with a great collection of tutorials to improve artisitc skills and to enhance story telling. Thanks to Judge @nanosesame for doing an excellent pick. Write a godlike comment that will make @alcy and us impressed!
To support @alcy, please consider adding the same comment to her post.

Guest Judge

This weeks guest judge is @nanosesame.

Would you like to take part and act as a judge?
If you are interested, please indicate it in the comments or send me a message on Discord(See link below).

Upcoming judges:

  • empty list atm...
  • Please donate, please help a minnow

    If you like this idea and would like it to grow. Please feel free to donate and I will add it to the Prize Pool. Mention #steemitcommentchallenge in your memo.

    History of donations:
    @zeartul 10SBD
    @destinysaid 5SBD
    @dray91eu 8SBD
    @tech-trends 10STEEM
    @fishmon 10SBD
    @destinysaid 5SBD
    @fishmon 5SBD
    @nanosesame 10SBD

    The current remaining money in the prize pool is: SBD20.

    Previous Comment Challenge Winner

    Here follows the list of all the previous winners.

    List is from oldest to newest:
    ...will YOU be next on the list??

    Thank you for reading!

    Proud member of #minnowsupportproject & #teamaustralia -
    Thank you @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem,
    @theprophet0, @someguy123, @canadian-coconut and @sirknight
    Click HERE to learn more about Minnow Support Project.
    Click HERE to connect to our Discord chat server.

    Sort: Β 

    Very interesting article @alcy . I'm replying in the context of the comment challenge hosted by @danielsaori so I appologize in advance if I missunderstood any concepts you presented in the article.

    Although I have no experience in drawing or character design at all, I can say that this totally makes sense from a viewer's perspective. It isn't something we are conciously aware of when we watch a show or play a game but I can totally see how even just using different shapes to build a character (or a set piece) would influence how we percieve the characters as being either friendly or evil/dangerous, etc.

    One obvious example that comes to mind is mario vs bowser. Mario is so rounded, his nose, fingers, feet, ears. everything about him is smooth and round wherease Bowser is full of spikes. Then I notice their stances are very different, bowser has a really agressive stance compared to mario's bouncy, chill stance. As for the levels of readability (correct me if I'm wrong), I notice Mario is sort of funny looking, with a very commical vibe to his character (this would relate to acting as well), compared to Bowser's massive bulky, angry vibe.

    This was a good excercise for me to really appreciate the amount of thought that has to go into character designs and how fortunate we are that there are people out there that are dedicated to getting all the little details just right so that we, the viewers/gamers can have the best experience.


    Great comment DE. :)

    I am not a good painter from any perspective you want to look at me, and I don't have any sort of design experience you can think of.

    At school it wasn't a rare event that a drawing of mine would get a huge penmade black cross on top of it from the teacher.
    But while reading your post, and the advices from awesome designers like Mr. Mercier, I couldn't stop thinking about all the hours I spent playing PokΓ©mon in my childhood.
    And I couldn't stop comparing in my head characters like this: 250px-006Charizard.png
    or this:
    Glorious PokΓ©mons from the first generation, with their smoking beauty and charisma...
    like this guy here: 250px-618Stunfisk.png
    or the ice cream: 250px-584Vanilluxe.png

    or the drunktard dragon: 250px-780Drampa.png

    I mean WTF just happened in fifteen years?
    What happened to humanity?
    Where's the "little spark" in those characters?
    Why the designers (and Nintendo) didn't consider the fact that we, first adopter fans, would have eventually grown up a little bit? lol

    Interesting comparison, almost like the new characters were produced on low budget, pushed to reach the market.

    Thank you! I hope I wasn't too irriverent there, and yes, I agree, it's either low budget or a precise intention to target a different type of market.

    Very good article @alcy for your characters gives more shine to the eyes, so it calls more attention. Well, charisma and personality are given by the artist, he does what his heart dictates, how to see his interior and everything.

    Entry confirmed!

    Post for Review, thanks to @danielsaori.

    @alcy, I have some opinions about a painting although I am not an expert in art but I hope this will be a lesson for all of us.
    In my opinion, when someone's looks at the work of painting, the first thing in his mind is "Beauty". It is the beauty that will become the benchmark of his judgment of a work of painting. Though beauty itself is very subjective, the beauty in the view of A, not necessarily the same as the B, also with the C and the D, because it depends on how much experience Estetik that settles in memory of his memory.
    The beauty will be judged by the power of realistic visualization, what is drawn near the shadow of reality, more and more like the reality, it will be more beautiful judged, but not only that which should be a judgment, the selection of the point of view of painting objects will be very decisive beauty globally, the originality of the painting idea.
    The painting is not something that must be understood, but must be lived. To see paintings such as dialogue with the work of the painting, even if any of the work he observed did invite him to dialogue.
    A work of art, is not to be enjoyed by everyone, but for those who can enjoy it, works of art, especially painting.
    I do not mean to teach you about art because I am not an artist, this is just an opinion of me who loves art but does not have the ability to do it. Btw, your painting is my passion. Thanks for the tutorial.

    Entry confirmed!
    Thanks for joining the challenge again. Wish you best of luck.

    Thanks @danielsaori for this challenge. Its very help to me training write the word, sentence to make a post.
    I often have difficulty in determining what I want to write. With this challenge will be very helpful.

    Testing with !curate


    Thos is a wonderful idea. I do love the idea to bad i can not draw. i cannot compete.but great idea

    Hi John, no need to draw. :) You just have to write an awesome comment to have a chance to win.

    I love the way you explained this. The same way colors have a certain energy and promote different moods, shapes do the same thing. Your post has the potential to change they way a lot of people see art and life. Bravo @alcy.

    Entry confirmed!
    Best of luck!

    I LOVE πŸ’• THIS GAme!! More people need to play it!

    Thanks Kubby!!
    Feel free to join as well. :)

    I wish I could, but I have a little much delegated to me to qualify to play

    This is my entry to the comment challenge by @danielsaori.

    It is really an eye opening for me @alcy. I am into traditional arts by the way and I specialized in pencil drawings. I haven't posted my drawings in steemit yet, but soon I will.
    I was amazed with the idea that the shape of the profiles or faces of the famous characters influenced our interpretation of the nature of them. And you are right because I just realized that most characters with round or circular faces usually plays good or nice roles. And, personally, I have identified some like Doraemon, the cute Boy Scout "Russel" from movie UP and the smurfs. And what is common to them are their chubby cheeks and thus a round face.
    There are also characters which has square faces which I remember to be brave and fierce in nature like no other than Superman, Batman and most superheroes I know. Oh! Oh! Mr. Carl Fredricksen, a stern yet brave old man from movie UP has also square-shaped face. One thing I notice that it can also be attributed that a square-shaped face adds masculinity to a character as most bulky people has that kind of feature too, as a relation. Woah! What a realization there.
    And, for triangular shaped characters who might usually be evil. Uhm, I thought of witches at first and HIM, the red-skinned villain of powerpuff girls.

    Fighters may usually be bulky and could really be identified by their getups. But, I just realized that some of the illustrators these days disguised some their characters to appear inappropriate and weak. In this way, people might get surprised and eventually liked the character. An example of the latter is the Penguins of Madagascar and One Punch Man. Who would have thought that those penguins do karate and fire bazookas? And a small bald man can finish off enemies with a punch?

    What could the people may always remember about a character may refer to "acting". Some examples I have identified are the small flocks of curled hair of Superman, the thick eyebrows of angry birds and eye patches of Captain Pirates I know.

    Your post has made me imagining. And, I agree with these pointers in character making. For all of you who are planning to be illustrators, keep following @alcy!

    Entry confirmed!
    Wish you best of luck.

    Wooah!! Thanks @danielsaori
    I love opportunities like this.

    You won the 35.5SBD prize money!!

    Hello @alcy!
    First of all, let me tell you that this compilation of advices is really on point for the subject. In any visual content, is fundamental to take in consideration what kind of message we want the viewer to get, what are they supposed to feel at the moment of seeing our creation.
    The psychology of an especific element can change the meaning of a piece of art as a whole, and that's when the creativity of the artist comes into play, as you said it yourself.
    As a communication student, I usually hear similar things but oriented to the design of advertising and in the whole marketing point of view, so it's actually quite interesting seeing how it applies to the artistic context, especially in story telling, where it really shows the whole potential of each of those things.
    It's wonderful how our perspective is influenced by so many other details, with a majority of them going to our uncouncious. That's one of the reasons art is so interesting!
    Of course, I'm not an artist myself, so I speak from what I understand, but I most say I feel inspired by your post :D
    Keep up the good work!

    Entry confirmed!
    Great comment and thanks for participating.

    I've never been very talented at drawing, but what you say makes sense. My daughter loves to draw, she's still very young, but maybe if I can help her with some of these tips, she'll be an artist one day. 😊

    Entry confirmed!
    What a super early entry! I think that is a new record. ;) Best of luck and my the Steem be with you.

    No comment. πŸ˜‘

    but it is a comment. ;)

    This post has received gratitude of 4.03 % from @appreciator thanks to: @danielsaori.

    This post has been resteemed by @minnowsupport courtesy of @discordiant from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

    Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

    !curate test :)