In view of the times in which we live, a true Christian cannot have a casual attitude toward spiritual matters.

Consider Zacchaeus, a man the Bible calls a rich tax collector.
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Desiring to know more about Jesus, he once climbed a tree to get a better look at him as he passed through town.

The account reads:

“Now when Jesus got to the place, he looked up and said to him: ‘Zacchaeus, hurry and get down, for today I must stay in your house.’ With that he hurried and got down and with rejoicing he received him as guest.”—Luke 19:2-6.

Imagine the benefits Zacchaeus received by entertaining Jesus and discussing spiritual matters with him!

Jesus helped Zacchaeus set his priorities in order, so that Zacchaeus stopped placing emphasis on obtaining material things.

“Look! The half of my belongings, Lord, I am giving to the poor,” he told Jesus, “and whatever I extorted from anyone by false accusation I am restoring fourfold.”—Luke 19:8.

True Christians today are likewise eager to take advantage of opportunities to discuss spiritual things.

No longer is gaining material things a major priority with them. Rather, when they receive Christian publications that help them to learn about God and his purposes, reading them becomes a priority.

And when there are meetings of fellow Christians, they strive not to miss a single minute of instruction and up building fellowship.

Another good example for us is that of Lot.

God’s angel had warned him that Sodom and Gomorrah were to be destroyed.

Showing loving interest in others, Lot
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“began to speak to his sons-in-law who were to take his daughters, and he kept on saying:
‘Get up! Get out of this place, because Jehovah is bringing the city to ruin!’”
But Lot himself “kept lingering,”
prompting the angel to urge him to escape to God’s place of safety without delay, saying:
“Hurry! Escape there, because I am not able to do a thing until your arriving there!”—Genesis 19:14, 16, 22.

Today’s world has taken on global Sodom and Gomorrah dimensions and likewise faces destruction.

That is why warning others about this coming destruction foretold in the Bible should be a priority in our lives .

Will you put as a priority in your life the investigation of this warning?

Hurrying about in vain pursuits will surely gain you nothing but heartache and nervous distress.

Far better it is to learn about God and his purposes to bring about a new system of things wherein life will no longer be a mad rush!—2 Peter 3:13; Isaiah 65:17, 21-25; Psalm 37:10, 11.

In the meantime, learn to be productively, not frantically, busy.
And when it comes to learning about God’s purposes, don’t delay!

Put it as your first priority!


This is awesome!

These words caught me. "Learn to be productively, not frantically busy". That's brilliant!

Thanks for giving it a close attention. That is were my joy comes from ~ the benefits you derive from the silent points.