Do you remember when you registered your account. If it is more than a year ago, then SteemitBoard wish you an Happy Birthday!
Previous post :
- SteemitBoard - Introducing the First Steemit Game Experience
- SteemitBoard - How to create an awesome footer with your awards
- SteemitBoard - Update 1
- SteemitBoard - Google Chrome Extension
- SteemitBoard - Update 2
- SteemitBoard - Update 3
- SteemitBoard - Update 4
- SteemitBoard - Update 5
- SteemitBoard - Update 6
- SteemitBoard - Update 7
Memories … Memories
For many of us, the Steemit story started in July, 2016.
It is at this moment that Steemit really made its first boom with a massive arrival of new users, somewhat comparable to the one we have been experiencing since May, 2017.
Have a look at the following chart to see what happened:
So ... we're getting close to the date that will be for many an important anniversary date.
Happy Birthday, Steemians!
To celebrate this event, SteemitBoard has prepared a nice award that every user being registered for one year or more will receive.

This award will be displayed in your personal tab on your board.
Of course, you can reuse it in your post to show your fellow Steemians you’re kind of a Steemit’s Veteran.
For those who joined us recently, you will have to be a bit patient. But do not worry, on the anniversary of your registration, you will also receive this nice award.
Enjoy and Steem on!
PS: You will receive a notification with your new award. Since there are a lot of notifications to send, it can take a while. @steemitboard is currently limited by its available bandwidth to the number of notifications it can send. By upvoting this post or the notifications you receive, you give @steemitboard more power to communicate with Steemit’s users.
Thank you for your support!

Steemitboard is a project initiated by @arcange - Follow him and support its witness too!
Thank you.. it is all fun
pretty fun, cleaning up on steem I'm sure
that was only fun
Only fun?
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
I installed a tool that you can see your exact "birthday" and also what percentage of steemers signed up after you. Among other things. Next I'll add a list of followers you share :)
the info service
99.208% of steemers have lower reputation than michaellamden68.
97.075% of steemers signed up later than michaellamden68 (2016.07.05 at 17:10:45).
Hope that helps. Take care!qed, writing "@michaellamden68", you summoned of @qed:
Excellent, thank you
So, is this service accessible to everybody and how can I use it?
Yes, except I need to run it from my laptop and I had it at work. Moreover, there is the stupid bandwith problem with steemit right now, which makes it extremely constly to have the bot on.
The steemit userbase is literally growing exponentially at the moment, so the percentages are of short lived validity.
In any case, I can tell you your current reputation, for example. It's
46.379060 At a point where more than 3 people per day are interested in it, I'll set up another machine to do it at home - always connected to the internet. You'd only write @username to call the bot, as I explain
I like your username, btw.
Thanks! I feel you are man of the numbers! :) As for the name, I chose it after thinking about 3 minutes.
happy birth day ☺☺☺☺👍
Happy birthday
Nice Happy birth day...
girl ? wait what ? :P ohh
birthday birthday happy birthday
Happy birthday to all who will celebrate too in the future.
@cryptopie got you a $0.01 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)
Want a boost? Click here to read more!
Ah, ah, that @minnowbooster goat needs someone to scratch her back..
I like that, it's a beautiful momentum for having been on Steemit for a year, I can't wait to get mine on.......March 2018 :D
Thanks @mariachrrres
There's plenty of time to deserve a tasty Steemit cake by March 2018 :)
Hey thank you! 😊 I hope you have a SPECTACULAR day as well 🙋
yehaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
Happy birthday guys
Thanks @brigen
Happy birthday to you all
Great birthday message and thanks to @Steemitboard for building a sense of family and community to the Steemit Blockchain network. I don't know how Steemit would have been without you.
Thanks you!
Trying to get back on I've replied notify but nothing yet
Happy Birthday.... Thanks for being there to make us aware of how we are progressing and giving new targets to achieve :)
Happy B-day God Bless ^_^
Happy Birthday @steemitboard From a new user like me @ludmilla :**
Oh, the poor girl... can't stop shaking.. What's the name of this show..?
Americas got talent
|Thanks @correctdrop! : ) Seems like one of the most popular GIF dances nowadays.
happy D day
Please to vote my post... I need it.
Pleaaaase...Hello @steemitboard
bounty you need up good news about bitcoin
cheers bro...good post ..good info to all of us...im also new here but working hardly..thanks..
Happy Birthday @steemitboard
Happy Birthday and More Power STEEMIT!! Thanks ^_^
Happy Birth Day!!!!
happy birthday
Since 2015-? My predictions of crypto is positive!
Happy Birthday!
💜 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Steemit and Steemians! Thank you for all your good work! Let's keep the party going! Cheers 💜
happy birtday @stemeetboard
Happy happy.
Happy birthday all!!! by this time next year will be mine. I joined today, so me love and follow me and I will follow back, also upvote my post. Thanks
HBD ........💖💖
Well i didn't register a year ago, I am just new here, but i will be here on the second birthday for sure😉. Happy Birthday, and congratulations for this great project!!! 🎉🎂🍾
I am really looking forward to getting one of these :) 11.5 months to go!!!!
Hahah! Nice one! Mine will be within 11 months :)
Im a sore looser :( I guess you will beat me to that one :) GO Steemfluencer GO!!

thanks happy birthday!
Many Many returns of The Day (HAPPY BIRTHDAY)
Happy Birthday to You..
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear (steemitboard)
Happy Birthday to You.
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.
Alternative ending:
How old are you?
How old are you?
How old, How old
How old are you?
well i can celebrate mine next year insha allah
happy birthday ,,,and thanks @steemitboard
Follow and upvote the post , lets steem ..... here a funny way to get free bitcoins , take care with invest plz .... every day free bitcoins on the wallet ...greets and have a nice day ...
Late But Happy Birth Day 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
Cheers & happy birthday!!

अपकी वोट हमारे लिए महत्यपूर्ण है। जिसके लिए हम आपको धन्यवाद करते है। और वोट करते रहे।
Your vote is important to us. For which we thank you. And keep voting.
thanks thanks thanks
Happy birthday
Good idea.
great info
Happy birthday to all who will celebrate too in the future.
Inspiring move @steemitboard and supporting you daily by @unilight
how to vote ? please explain
You can go here and follow the instructions at the end of this post.
Thats a lot of useful info :)
Damnit!! 11 months ago :)
Happy b'day to all 1year + users. I'm still in kindergarten :) ( like 1 week or so )