The first meetup of the French community will take place today in Clermont-Ferrand, right in the center of France. The meetup has been organized by the @steemauvergne team and around 50 Steemians are expected to attend the event.
Aujourd'hui a lieu le premier meetup des utilisateur francophones de Steemit. Le meetup se tient a Clermond-Ferrand, en plein centre de la France, dans le magnifique paysage des volcans de d'Auvergne. Plus de 50 steemiens sont ont annoncé leur participation à l'évènement !
To celebrate this event, @steemitboard has prepared a new commemorative badge that each attendee will receive automatically upon registration and will be able to display it on his/her board of honor.
Pour célébrer ce premier rassemblement, @steemitboard à preparé un nouveau badge commémoratif que les participants recevrons automatiquement lors de leur enrgistrement. Ils pourrons fièrement arborer celui sur leur tableau d'honneur.

Happy meetup!

Read SteemitBoard’s latest witness report here
Steemitboard is a project created by @arcange
We from the steemit community of Indonesia congratulate the Francis steemit community.
Hopefully the inaugural meeting of the steemit francis community is well organized and runs smoothly.
Thanks you for the support from the Indonesian community!
Our first meetup was really successful, thank to the amazing work done by the @steemauvergne team.
We wish you all the best.
Greetings to all Steemians from indonesia.
Contente d'avoir fait ta connaissance arcange @vevette
Chère @vevette, j'ai également été ravi de passez ces agréables moments en ta compagnie. A bientôt.
Youhouuuuu j'ai le mien :)

Bise a tous
Hey @siavach ! J'espère que tu vas bien et que tu es bien rentré ! Je pense n'avoir oublié personne !!!!!! Enfin j'espère... ce badge est gratifiant car rare.... on adore merci 😁 @arcange @yann0975
I have chosen you as a witness and hope you give me an award.

Nice 👍
Goodluck on your meetup :) hope it will be successful and joyful.
Thank you for your support!
great post good job.
Bella iniziativa
very informative post..........
Nice post
Super ! Dommage que je n' ai pas pu venir
Oui, dommage. Mais la bonne nouvelle, c'est qu'il y aura d'autres meetup.
Ce n'est que partie remise ... et au plaisir de te rencontrer à la prochaine occasion ;)
Oui ;-)
Je confirme @arcange, il y en aura d'autres, à commencer par le meeting organisé par @frenchlondoner et moi-même le 31 mars à Paris !!! =D
Alors, @zonguin c'est l'occasion de te rattraper et de venir nous rencontrer!!!
On serait vraiment ravies de faire votre connaissance @zonguin et @arcange!
Pour en savoir plus:
Nous vous attendons nombreux!
PS: Comment on fait pour avoir notre badge Meeting à Paris ???? 😁
excellent initiative !!
Merci !
good job
Good luck! Wish it were available in my area.
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Thank You! ⚜
Good job @steemitboard and good luck
a very good post, please follow me @omarzavar, I am waiting for you
Hey @steemitboard, do you guys know why I've stopped receiving comments telling me when I've gotten a new badge? I loved getting them but I haven't been getting them for a while now.
We checked your account on SteemitBoard and notifications are still enabled. You will receive new notifications when you reach any next level, check the bottom of your page to see when.Hello @rishi556,
Awesome, I might have missed them then. Thanks for the response. I love your service.
If I lived in france I'll definetely go. Go guys! Good luck.
Never to late to move and come live here ;)
Thanks for your comment!
Hi there, We are preparing Steemit Balcanfest including all Ex Yugoslavia countries - Macedonia,Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro in August or September, It would be nice to have SteemitBoard support and badge :) You can join as in our Discord Balkan server https://steemit.com/steemit/@ivan.atman/official-balkan-discord-server-is-up-and-balkan-steemit-alliance-is-up-steemit-balkan-savez-sbs or contact me for more details @olegw if you are interested. Thank you.
steemit.chat@olegw, you can contact me on discord or
very good publication et bonne chance
Good job...
Ive vote witness @steemitboard, what is give to me ?
I like you post @steemitboard
Okay mr.@steemitboard i need a upvote
Congratulations !! it works for the meetup in Venezuela? and I also want to know how I get my badge for birthdays. Thank you very much.
Good luck friend
Great post
very beautiful post
Thank you. Someday can you make a badge for meet up in Japanese community?
Terima kasih