Want to become a @SteemitBlogger?

in #steemitbloggers7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to



The Steemit Bloggers Community
is a discord community of individuals who are dedicated
to producing quality content which adds value to the Steemit platform.
We are also focused on supporting our fellow members and their growth on Steemit as well as offering support to those struggling to stay afloat.

If you would like to see who some of our members are,

the brilliant work of all our amazing writers and creatives... the official @steemitbloggers account is dedicated to resteeming


If you are interested in joining, please hop on to the bus stop HERE
and you will be directed from there...




First things first, let's make one thing ABUNDANTELY clear.
We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for spammers, scammers, plagiarists and the like.
So to all the "chancers" out there... don't waste your time reading any further -
because you will not even make it over the threshold.

When I say we are a community of QUALITY BLOGGERS,
I mean that in every sense!

The only people who will stand even a remote chance
of walking through our doors, are honest, authentic, original,
enthusiastic and dedicated bloggers,
who are willing to become an ACTIVE and DEDICATED part of our family.

This is however not limited to any specific category,
so whether you are into photography,
creative writing, tech, vlogging, whatever...

If your content is original and is of a good standard,
you will most certainly be considered.

NOT everyone who applies will be accepted,
so no whining please.

Oh, and as mentioned above...
this is a Discord Server Community,
so if you are not willing or able to be active on discord,
then please don't waste your time or ours.

Looking forward to seeing all you FANTASTICAL STEEMIANS at the "Bus Stop" :)


Header Image Credit


I want to be part of #steemibloggers

@topstoriez I was going to outline the application process, but I see you have already submitted yours 👍

Done resteemed.

Tomorrow I will make one shout out post for this to let more steemians know.

Right behind you bro.


Thank for the info @bboyady

Try it vera.. mana tahu dapat

Ya..i will, thanks

Am I qualified?

@gavinci13 you are welcome to follow the outlined procedure and find out 👍😎

Whoop whoop! Make the circle bigger. Extremely corny...I know. That's just the first thing that popped into my head hahaha.

Opening the doors again :) I'm happy to resteem this!

Done with an application on Discord! Resteemed! I have been waiting patiently for you to start accepting applications again. Thanks for the opportunity to become a part of SteemitBloggers.

@basicstoliving Wonderful, thank you. Will revert soonest ❤️

Resteemed. I hope some awesome Steemians find our lovely group.

Great to see a community that actually foster only solid quality content.

@gohba.handcrafts Thank you very much for the awesome feedback!!! ❤️

Your bus stop link is expired. I want to join!

@driptorchpress I have just checked the link and it has not expired. It was set not to expire... so not sure why you are struggling. I will be posting a new announcement soon, so perhaps you can try the new link, otherwise contact jaynie#9450 on discord 👍

This is what I keep seeing. It did flash "accept invite" for a quarter of a second before this though.

I will wait for the next announcement, maybe I will have better luck with that. :)

@driptorchpress on the left hand side of the screen where the other server icons appear, go to the bottom and click on the + sign and select "join server" and then paste the invite there. Let me know if that works. 👍 Apologies for the frustration.

I put in an application but now I don't even see the channel pop up in my Discord? Was I rejected?

@orthodoxnudism Hi there, Those that are accepted will be contacted directly. Many thanks 👍

I resteemed it as a first step. Second I wish I could join though I am not sure whether the quality of my post are anywhere near the bar this bunch of wonderful bloggers had setup for others.

Hoping for Best and Preparing for Worst:

@angelro well you know what they say... if you dont try, you will never know. 👍

Within my limitations as far as my ability time etc. I believe I am trying...Now it is upto you people to decide...
Thanks for the kind reply and Stay blessed

I am definitely going to sit down at the bus stop!

Hello! I am very interested in joining this community, but when I click the link to apply to discord it opens the accept invite page and will not go forward? It opens a small loading window, closes and asks to accept the invite again.

Every time I try to use an invite it says it's expired. Good luck!

@jasmynflowers hi. try pasting the invite code manually in the Add server list on the left hand side on discord... its the last circular icon with a + sign in it (ie. to either create or join a server) 👍