It's official peeps!
The @theycallmedan 20k Delegation Dpoll is live!
So.... I would like to make a shout out RIGHT NOW, to all the #STEEM peeps - to please help us once again by giving our @steemitbloggers community your vote.
We have also put out a "shout out" tweet, so those of you willing to give it a like and a retweet can do so HERE
For those of you that may still be unfamiliar with who we are...
let me introduce you to our amazing little family!
The @steemitbloggers (#powerhousecreatives) may be a small community but what we lack in numbers, we make up for with our levels of enthusiasm and passion for what we do here on Steemit. Our members are dedicated to this platform and the growth of the people on it. We have spent the last year ploughing our energies into uplifting and embracing individuals from all over the world, helping them to truly establish themselves as members of this platform and as bloggers, vloggers and the like. We have members from over 24 countries! Over and above being a part of the @steemitbloggers - 99% of our members are key players in some of the most proactive and supportive initiatives on Steemit. Our support as a collective spreads far and wide across this platform and is not in any way restricted by country or nationality. We truly are a POWERHOUSE hosting some of the most valuable individuals and finest content creators on Steemit.

The Power House Creatives is a discord community of individuals who are committed to producing content which adds value across multiple platforms. We are STRONGLY focused on supporting our fellow members individual growth as well as offering support to those that are still trying to get ahead. We are a CLOSE KNIT community of individuals, each with our own strengths, passions and input, yet ALL willing to go the extra mile for our family members... WHY? - because, simply put - we CARE about one another and MANY HANDS make light work! - THAT is what FAMILY is about! - To infinity and beyond...
@theluvbug regularly supports the Steemit community with upvotes and resteems of great content which is really adding value to this platform, but in order to grow and be able to offer MORE SUPPORT, @theluvbug needs your help - with upvotes and resteems of the latest curation announcements on that profile.
Voted. But it's a secret, lol.
I'll be supporting you guys again. Still flirting with joining your. I even lurked in the application discord last night. I don't know maybe 3 upvotes a day is overwhleming my vp. I am just not ready. I wish there was a light version.
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If everything in life was easy to get then it would become so boring, leaving aside excitement and struggle. Everyone has to show some dedication which is keypoint to be successful on this very platform and sometimes you have to get beyond your individual capacity. Just saying this on lighter note, no offence intended.
But I got to say I am almost aroused by your support, thank you so much for that ;)
Keep that coming...
You have some very good advice. I just don't know if I can provide as much devotion as I should to be a full member. I am still excited to exploring all the unique corners of Steem. Maybe when you guys win this or I feel like settling down, I will change my mind.
For now I like to be a #steemitbloggers-lite, #powerhousecreatives-lite member.
Hey there! I have to jump in with @bluemist and give you a little nudge to push you over the edge. ;) I was a bit tentative when I first started toying with the idea of joining the group, as well. I'm definitely a full-fledged introvert, so forced interaction doesn't sit well with me. However, once I finally took the plunge I realized it's not hard to interact with so many truly genuine, creative people. Once you get in the routine, it really isn't hard to do your daily support--if anything I wish I had time some days to do more! You don't have to vote all of your support at 100% either, so if you are able to use the slider to adjust your percentage if you feel the need.
No pressure to join, I just wanted to put my 2 cents out there so you can perhaps get a little inside view. It really is a fantastic group of people, and I am so happy I finally set aside my reservations and joined. Thank you for the support regardless!
Thanks so much for your insight. Your average group's members are all way above average steem bloggers. Definitely good people. Convincing and devoted too.
I'll throw in an application next new members round after the deligation contest. Maybe in the meantime I'll be a pretend tagless member. I probably upvote and comment at least 1 member a day without trying. I am sure If I follow a few more members 3 or more won't be an issue.
Hey, you mentioned wishing there was a light version. I understand the struggle... especially as it relates to VP. We have an incredibly generous community however. One of our members offers a 30 day delegation specifically for those struggling with VP. I took advantage of it when I was below 100 and it helped me immensely!
My advice? When something seems like it might be overwhelming, consider what a difference a supportive community will make. Once you're in, you're family. :-)
It is nice to hear different perspectives. When I first joined and was under 100 sp I had no interest in blogging, just info. The market was too heated and I had no experience with blogging. I guess you could say I got help from naive investors.
This community seems a lot more rewarding and helpful than just an upvote circle.
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When I first joined I had no interest in the crypto side of things. I just liked that it was a blogging platform. :-)
Now I'm starting to get interested in the crypto side too and am hoping the market goes back up. If we can make a name for ourselves as producers of quality content I have faith that STEEM will rise in step with our reputation. :-)
Generally there are two reasons people join blogs or investing and speculating, now with dapps maybe a few more reasons, Steem Monsters anyone? I have no doubt Steem will rise with the market and increase rank too. Mostly because of onboarding people who aren't necessarily interested in cryptocurrencies before getting started.
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done with love! 💕
Resteemed :) Will get on writing about it later.
Meanwhile, you who read this, think about supporting the supportive community @steemitbloggers is. It goes around and everybody is a winner.
Thank you as always for your tireless support @manoldonchev :)
Well, you're the tireless one. I just happen to be around a lot :P
Actually I am ALWAYS tired!!! hahaha shhhhh don't tell anyone! lol - and don't under-sell yourself! You do a LOT for all of us!
This time it's us only...Steem on
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Super Exciting!!!! :)
Voted! Guess who for? LOL
hahaha I wonderrrrrrrrrr ;P
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Already voted and now resteemed this post. Let's get it!
Yeah baby YEAH!!! :D
@steemitbloggers You rock!! Voted and resteemed <3
& We're currently on top ((: Let's go POWERHOUSECREATIVES!
Retweeted! Sharing the love ❤️
I love this community!
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Fantastic!!! Thank you for the support - it is GREATLY appreciated !
HAHAHAHA!!! MWAH! Thank you sweetie xxx
Resteemed! And let's see if we can't also carry the energy through to the ongoing twitter campaign... keep the momentum going!
To anyone reading this: Please keep in mind that @steemitbloggers is an extensive community support organization that reaches well beyond just its own membership!
Yes definitely!!! I have every intention of doing JUST that!
Thank you for the support @denmarkguy! MWAH!
Done my duty, now off to spread the word to others!
COOL BEANS!!! Thank you so much for the effort xxx
Thank you for spearheading the said effort, Jaynie! ;)
We are the champions
Damn STRAIGHT! haha!! Love the positive vibes @wales and thank you for the vote xxx
Done, good luck!
AWESOME!!! Thank you!!!! Really appreciate it!
@steemitbloggers Voted! Resteemed and upvoted this post! Let's pray that we can do it this time!
You are a legend! Thank you!!!! :D And yes.... LET'S!!!!
Voted on you here and dpoll. ;) also resteemed.
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Thank you so very much!
Voted and resteeming .. :)
Yeeessss! Time to get down to business! There were so many great things that came out of the last poll with communities coming together and just general positive vibes flowing all around. Can't wait to see what comes from this one! Let's go @steemitbloggers! Sending you some energy @jaynie, because I know you're going to be running at full tilt yet again!
I voted and Resteemed!🍀😊 #powerhousecreatives 🎈😁🎉
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You got my vote! :)
Voted! Good luck!
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Just voted to tip you guys into first place (:
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