My Ouchity-ouch -ouch-ouch These Days

in #steemitbloggers7 years ago (edited)

There is this pain (not in my neck or ass) but in my mouth going on for a while. It is none other than the crazy irritating excruciating pain of the MOUTH ULCERS! These guys are really small and can appear so subtly but the suffering they cause are beyond measures, even more than my labour pain, perhaps! I kid you not, because I have been having them for almost three weeks, one after another "reporting for duty". They really can appear anywhere: on the cheek, on the lips, on the tongue, under the tongue, on the ceiling of the mouth and everywhere!

Usually, they cannot even get my attention because they would disappear before I truly notice them and give them the "negative attention", you know. After taking turns to reside in my mouth, from one spot to another, recommending to more buddies to stay in after one had left, OKAY YOU HAVE GOTTEN MY ATTENTION AND I AM ACTUALLY POSTING ABOUT YOU, happy?

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Anyway, hehe I am trying to be funny, if you cannot tell. I was reading up on how to treat mouth ulcers and thought I would skip a post today because a super lazy bug caught hold of me after attending to some family matters, but as I was treating myself with the information I read, I was thinking: I am not gonna suffer in vain but I am making 'them' pay for what 'they' have done.

The pain of mouth ulcers are agonizing, even when I was just trying to drink water. It would be intense and teary when I eat food with citrus like when I was having the pickled papaya today (pickle is one of my kind of food too), I was literally crying. My student was thinking what happened to me, because I was like "hissing" (don't know what is the proper word for this action) throughout the class today.

An ulcer is a lesion characterised by a loss of surface epithelium (the outer layer of skin/gum/mucosa). It usually appears as a whitish to yellow circular or ovular shape often surrounded by a red halo. ~Sydney-based dentist Dr Jenna Cutting Source

What are the causes of mouth ulcers?

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There are many reasons why ulcers develop. I have known some before this, because I experienced them. However, there are also some that shocked me a little.

  • Mouth or lip injury/ accidental bite
    My son suffered a lip injury and it bled. I was actually worried if it would be become an ulcer as it is an open wound. Let's really hope not. One of my ulcers was formed this way. I was really hoping that it would not turn into an ulcer but it did. Hmm.

  • Deficiency of iron and folic acid in our daily diet
    Iron deficiency can cause ulcer formation, now this is something I was not aware of.

  • Viral or bacterial infection
    Our mouth is basically the dirtiest part of the body with the amount of microbes surviving in it. A single mouth can house up to 6 billion bacteria, how shocking, right?! They can cause tooth decay and gum inflammation. When our gum swells, it increases the probability of being bitten accidentally as well.

  • Family history of having mouth ulcers regularly
    This is also a new factor to me. So far I know my family is not that prone to it though most of us went through the braces stage.

  • Lack of water
    This is probably one of the obvious reasons why I am getting them after the Chinese New Year scorching hot season and I did not upped my water intake.

  • Lack of sleep
    I guess when we are lacking sleep, anything is possible as our immune system is generally working on OVERTIME!

  • Dental braces
    Oh my, I experienced this a lot in my teenage days!

  • Hormonal changes especially during menstruation for women
    This factor is also new to me, but I shall pay more attention to this to see if it is true for myself.

  • Stress or constant anxiety
    Many part of our bodies are psychosomatic, it seems. Whatever we experience in our emotional health will show and feedback in our physical health. They are like mirrors showing the reflection of our state of being.

How can we prevent or treat mouth ulcers?

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After talking so much about how mouth ulcers are formed, I am desperate for the remedies!!!!

  • Applying ulcer cure gel
  • Wild honey which is known to be anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation
  • Chamomile tea soothes the pain
  • Salt water which is antiseptic naturally and washes off bacteria (Some would apply salt and withstand the tormenting pain for a moment)
  • Iron and folic acid tablets
  • Vitamin B12 supplement tablets
  • Keep the mouth clean: brush, rinse, gargle, floss
  • Aloe vera which relieves pain and reduces swelling
  • Applying baking soda
  • Applying watermelon powder (西瓜霜)
  • Use softer toothbrush
  • Consume coconut drink


  • Spicy food
  • Citrus fruits like lemon, orange, grapefruit and the like
  • Chocolate and coffee
  • Deep fried food

For some of you who are very much on the go right now, remember to replenish on the water intake and also take care of your diet, if possible! Do not let these rascals get to you!

All the information are referred from the above websites and I give credit to the article authors. I simply summarize some useful and relevant information for myself in my process of healing, thought maybe it could also be useful for some of you if you are having the same problem as me right now. Thank you for taking your time to read. If you have good suggestions or home remedies which you practise to eliminate mouth ulcers, I am more than interested to know. Share with me in the replies below!






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Oops, having ulcer now but still continuing my coffee dose 😂

Hehe I think most of us can't help it without the essential coffee. Should be OK if it is taken moderately I guess. The ulcer will heal, anyway :P Thanks for the support @kimzwarch :)

Ya, it will go away sooner or later. Just how we can deal with the pain when we are moving our lips or chewing stuff or even drinking water.
Hope you recover soon too!

Yeah you are right about even drinking water, man!!!! Sometimes, I can't even close my lips properly because then the ulcer rubs on the teeth. Same to you, healing for both of us! :)

Wow! A lot of details here :)

Thanks for coming by @seckorama :)

You're welcome :)

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That's such a coincidence, I have these inside of my mouth too on my cheeks and they hurt like hell! Since they form little 'blobs' that stick out, I keep accidentally biting on them!
Luckily it's getting less worse, but have had this for the better part of last week!

OUCCHHHHH! I can feel the pain. Good to know it has gotten all better. Try some of the remedies to see if they work, perhaps @pandorasbox :)

I must read this because I am prone to ulcers due to lack of sleep, subtle stress, lack of water, alot of coffee that 'eats' away my iron. Yep I personally use watermelon powder and drink coconut water often to help. While these two assists to speed up recovery, best is we have enough sleep, enough water and nutritional food. But talking about mama's random, kind of impossible eh!?

Also how can you avoid chocolate and how can i avoid coffee? lol

Thank you for all the details here. 👍✌

Hahahhahahahah exactly can't avoid lo. But I try not to eat when I'm having ulcers or cut down. Last night I tried applying wild honey, I felt better today eh, unexpectedly :)

Malaysian, how can we avoid spicy food? haha I LOVE SPICY!
The most hateful thing about ulcers, when you accidentally bite them when u eating! The pain is like when women giving birth i guess!

Haha I meant avoid spicy food when we are having ulcers. Yeah so painful that tears would come immediately and it makes us regret: aiyo, why bite it la?

I think i'm one of those really prone to ulcers. Sometimes 5 at a time at different locations. So annoying so i'm happy when they're gone..

Really? I find application of honey works magic and it is not painful like salt or every other thing. You may want to give it a try. I hate them too especially now my son is having it from an open wound.

Is your family prone to it too? Because according to what I read, it could be genetic. Hopefully not the case for you.

Be healed in Jesus name!

Amen and thanks! :)

Well, I will certainly help you in 'paying' for what they did to your mouth. One of the more annoying ulcers are usually under my bottom lip that is always rubbing against my gum and teeth. THAT one is very very annoying for me.

But hey! You actually managed to write a post about it.

Hahaha thank you @zord189, it makes this post and the pain more "worthwhile" lol. I hate any ulcer that is at the spot where the teeth meet the lip when I close the mouth. But I'm glad they are healing! Woo-hoo ~

We do have a cure on my island

Oh? What cure is that?

See profile for details. Actually, you're giving me an idea for my next piece. Keep on writing :)