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RE: Why Do We Attach Unnecessary Meaning to Everything??

Wow, really love this post! You are so right! When I was staying at an ashram in India, we learned an exercise called 'the world and my world'. The idea was, in situations where you've gotten upset, to separate the facts of the situation (the world) from your own interpretations (my world). Exactly like the example you give. Your son uses the word loser, is the fact. Then the association of a loser being someone who has low self esteem and fails in life would be our interpretation. I've used that exercise a lot to get a better understanding of my own interpretations, and how those interpretations cause my own suffering. It's a beautiful post and a beautiful topic, giving you my vote and my follow!!


Oh wow, love your comment and love the concept behind the 'the world and my world' exercise. This is a fantastic exercise to relieve your mind of undue stress and to understand how we let our world influence the world. Honestly, this is what I often do to calm myself and to get a better understanding of things and you just gave it a name. Thank you for that and for the lovely words. :)