
it's actually rather few belts if you are an adult when you start. the show the belts with the extra stripes but in reality they just put some tape on the end of your belt so you'll have a white one a blue one a purple one etc

thats right! it also depends on instructors are acdamies, some professors even forget to give stripes until one day... boom! you are promoted to the next level.

a friend of mine said on his entire journey to black belt he got one stripe
his instructor was just more of a "well you are this belt or you are that belt" type thinking
and I can see both viewpoints honestly. with adults having only 5 belts to work with (and really it's only 4 because black is basically the end game effectively) it is easy to find 10 people all s haring a belt color and all of whom are different levels of ability but none should be higher or lower then the belt they are.
which is crazy to people who are new to bjj or have not trained in it.
but it's like if you are in it long enough you will find blue belts you are trying to figure out what is going on with them not being higher and you'll find brown belts and wonder who the heck gave them that you know....
the crazy thing to me is when I will bump into a black belt whose entire leg lock game is the straight ankle lock. I'm like really? if you don't compete that's fine but if you do you have to at least be ready for what your opponents are able to do to you even if you don't want to win that way yourself!