New work pc :(

in #steemitbalkan7 years ago

Hello lads,
there is not much on the blog as I don't have much time and almost no idea haha so here is something that happened to me few days ago.

Last week boss told me that I'm getting a new computer on monday. I was all happy whole weekend and then came the moment of truth, he showed me computer and when monitor become alive I have started laughing because maybe it was a joke I thought but no...
There was it, an "dinosaur" little 15" screen with win xp running :D.

He said that's it and gave me a usb with new win 10 on it. Problem wasn't that would it survive and run new win, it was if I would survive and run on that machine haha.

As the machine has 2Gb of ram you can imagine its pretty slow, do any of you have any advices how to make it faster( except thriving it through the window).
I have tried expanding virtual memory but didn't helped a lot.


Uninstall onedrive sa kompa obavezno, također deinstaliraj sve programe koji ti ne trebaju
idi na my computer - svojstva - dodatne postavke sustava - performanse - prilagodi za najbolje performanse
odeš u task manager (upravitelj zadataka) i pogasiš sve nepotrebne pozadinske procese, primjerice adobe scheduler, java scheduler i slično
Možda mrvicu pomogne

Hvala na savjetima, maknut je onedrive i nepozeljni programi iz sartup-a.