@anyx I like it when @cheetah gets it right.
But there are times when @cheetah gets it wrong. I consider flagging any bot which is making mistakes as the easiest and presently only way to contact the owner when his/her bot is acting up or running amok.
People can't be expected to track down the owner manually until we have some sort of bot registry. Also the owner will be checking their up and downvotes. So it just makes sense to use the reward system for bot training like this.
It's like training a pet. You reward them by giving them a treat when they do a neat trick, learn something useful and are acting good in generl. But you bop them on the nose with a rolled up newspaper when they misbehave ;)
Glad to see you're improving the content detection algorithms. Fewer missed instances of copyright violations but also fewer false positives as well. Great work!
You can just type @anyx or @cheetah or DM me in chat instead of flagging it. No sense harming cheetah's rep.
I agree with @williambanks that someone shouldn't have to track down the owner manually. But I would go farther and say that someone shouldn't have to check a 'bot registery' either. Maybe you should sign onto steemit.chat as @cheetah and monitor those messages for feedback. When Steemit supports private messages right on the platform this will be easier.
Thanks @smooth, I do actually have @cheetah in steemit.chat, and I monitor that as well. :)
Sometimes people use transfer memos too, but I agree a having direct messaging will be much more efficient.
@anyx I don't necessarily disagree. Might want to add a message if you haven't already that at least says who the owner is and how to contact you though. I mean obviously I know who you are. I based the decision to use upvotes and downvotes on cheetah on something you said in a previous post about the community would up or downvote her based on if she was doing a good job or not. However new people might not understand that.
Also we should probably refer to steemit.chat as www.steemit.chat to emphasize that this is a website. I have the hardest time because people say "I don't see a steemit chat anywhere in the menu!" (yes I know it's there, but people are blind)
Anyways a quick tag like that, and knowing that up/downvotes are not how you want me helping you train your bot would be enough to my mind.