REPOSTED: How my repost made $900 and never got flagged.

in #steemitabuse8 years ago (edited)

Putting hours of hard work into a blog and getting paid nothing for it.

The argument to repost

Perhaps we have had this feeling before? Where we put a lot of work into our blog and we sit there waiting rubbing our palms together “this one is going to be big” and 2 hours later to realise the post was a complete flunk, not even your unconditional loving grandmother voted it up.

Sometimes it just pisses you off

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Everything was perfect

We made sure it had awesome picture, it was funny, smart, intelligent, personal & creative. We checked all the steem apps and made sure we posted at the most optimum time too. What happened? What went wrong? Show me the money!

The sly act to repost

Maybe I’ll just repost it? Nobody will know, besides it was a good value article people should know about. I am guilty of this, I must admit I have done it before and on more than one occasion. I have to come clean, everyone can see my history on Steemit.

evil thoughts

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No respect

When I first started on Steemit I had nothing to lose, I didn’t have any followers or a rep to my name. I didn’t even know what Steemit was a month ago…my attitude was “Steemit gives us free money? Use and abuse baby!”

I just didn’t have any respect for it or even know what Steemit truly was about till after watching the interview 40 minute interview with Ned & Dan youtube link here. It was real eye opener to see how down to earth and genuine these guys were and how passionate they were about the future of Steemit & its vision.

Dodging the ‘Cheetah Bot’

Plagiarisms is actually one of my speciality skills. It’s actually how I got through English class at school (probably the same reason why it takes me forever to write an original blog). Mix a few articles here and there, add in some typo’s, replace the words we don’t understand with words we do and presto! The english teacher says “that’s a well written book review you have there but you have some spelling mistakes, sorry I can only give you an A minus”

you cant run forever

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”If you steal from one author it's plagiarism; if you steal from many it's research” - Miroslav Volf


If we are starting to gain rep in the Steemit community we may want hold off on that copy and paste button. Posting cheap, low effort blogs or other people’s work for a quick buck will just end up hurting us in the long run. It’s the fastest way we'll lose our followers that we worked so hard to get. We might even get put on the blacklist if we are caught out.

But, But, But

I saw this ‘coffee roast blog’ yesterday that made about made $1,451. It annoyed me how little effort was put into it in comparison to my blog on coffee roasting I posted a few weeks earlier which only made $137. This is just one example of why I sometimes get the feeling to want to repost a blog.

Links below

Click to view his

Click to view mine

The conundrum

Sometimes we are left in this ethical bind not knowing what to do. I remember looking through my old blogs and seeing my first original post after the ‘introduce yourself’ one. It was about using signal providers for forex trading. I got paid absolutely nothing, not even a single cent for it. I was certain the information in it was super solid. On the other hand the blog was poorly formatted as it was my first few days using Steemit, I didn’t even know how to set up links or headers yet.

what to do?

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So I had this thought… ”I am an experienced Steemer now, I could totally repost this blog, I just need to dress it up, add new content and do a total makeover of the original”

I spent about 8 hours and changed about 70% of it from the original, the Idea was still the same. I did my best to make sure it was a high quality blog, I compared to some high rep users too and felt satisfied with all the content I had put in. It was easy to read, everything made sense... it was done to the best of my ability to say the least.

The Result

It actually paid off, it ended up being one of my most profitable post on steemit so far. I was pretty happy with the result. I remember submitting that blog the first time and my girlfriend was paying me out and saying “that’s a lot work for nothing” I was really happy to get my revenge back on her in the end.

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The blogs were posted 4 weeks apart

Old original blog

New reposted blog


Overall I think what I did was ok, It was my work and I worked hard to create new content. The important thing is that we are not jamming up the Steemit search engine with the same information and lowering the value of steem.

I still see today a lot of ‘cheap’ post and I wouldn’t be surprised if steemit cracking down even harder again on it. We should all look to keep our followers and give them something different and unique to read for every blog we make. I want people to be able to look at my blog history and find a great value in all the work I do not just the ‘one off’.

Maybe I was wrong in doing this, maybe I was right? I’m not sure but I would like to hear your opinion on the matter to see where everyone stands on the issue.

kind regards to all steemers



I like to focus on an idea with potential. The first post might be a simple question where I'm not expecting any upvotes. Then I might do a written post and see if it gets picked up. If not, (and I still believe the idea needs to be heard) I rework the content into a video, and then maybe a second video. Each time the content that I'm reworking gets better and better, especially since I'm getting little bits of feedback along the way. As long as I still think the idea deserves attention, I'll keep doing this until it gets attention. That's work for me on other sites and I think it will work well on Steemit. But often I realize somewhere a long the way that the idea is no longer great or sometimes it morphs into a better idea. Either way, if you really believe in your content, then keep reworking it until it gets seen!

very insightful, haven't really thought of doing that before. thanks

I like your lean approach to posting. Create a minimum viable product and move it to production to do AB market testing. Assess the feedback and drive deeper on the topic or pivot on a new angle.

Good job....always try again.

why not lol

Ive seen a guy copy a post with a youtube video in it. Original author made video private and upliaded again for new url. Copy paste guy got the new video link within minutes. Reason i thought this was bullshit is because he gave no credit to original author.

yeah i know what you mean, there has been a few like that. have u seen the 'diving fox'? got $3,000 for a 2 minute video

Wow - I'm going to follow but already feel the are watching me!! Great article (not to mention images). I'm taking this article sarcastically (yes I hit spellcheck)
but neat in it's own way - you go boy..

thanks for reading, should of done english at school aye

I see no harm with a more improved re-post. Thanks for explaining.

Hmm, I was just asking myself the same question, what is the etiquette, i live in Australia and i am sure the times i am posting are the problem for me, cause while I Steem you sleep etc. I wondered if it would be rude to re -
post for better visibility? I would really like to know what the etiquette is if you have a second?