The greatness of Steemit will be maintain with creative minds, your minds!
Hi Steemit! =)
Today I just want to talk about posts that deals with Steemit.
Steemit is really great, and Steemians are really nice, helpful, and creative. But I realise that the most rewarded posts are those witch speak about Steemit and the success of it. It's interesting of course, we are in an very interesting economic model and we're enthusiast, me the first, and that's normal.
But now, could we post about something else? Of course it's the beginning and people want to speek about this kind of revolution, but this revolution will continue if creative content are posted.
There are millions of very good and creative contents and I think it's the main purpose of a forum, and especially this one. Great content could be rewarded, that's the purpose, but today, to be rewarded, you have to post about Steemit and the greatness of the platform, too bad.. Moreover, the greatness of Steemit will be maintain with creative minds, your minds!
Please, reward creative and let speak your minds! =)
New Chinese whale here, we need do something for steemit, not just talk, talk is cheap , we need action, i registerd just three days ago, and i am buying everyday, and i introduce it to my Chinese rich friends everyday, but, It's hard to sign up for Chinese because of the Chinese Firewall, i posted about it, and tried to reach dan and ned but failed, anyone can help to spread the word?
We have to share about it. But I don't know whales... So I count on you, and on Steemians with power to spread the word!
If this topic come into trending, this could make people think and react about it! But I don't know how to do with my little weight..
Good to have you on here, I'll help get the word out the best I can.
Keep in touch
Thanks for pointing this out- I totally agree. Steemit should be like reddit, in that sense. You post about topics and discussions not related to the functionality of the platform itself- at least in most cases :) Cheers!
Yes, it should be totally like reddit, just speak about what you want and discuss about it! Hope it's just because of the beginning of the platform!
Cheers!Thanks @crypt0!
I think this is a good point. It is nice to see that others are urging quality. And continued post only about steemit may not build longevity. I have had a couple of posts about steemit like But I did post them with the hope that it fostered a more long range and quality approach to the platform. The other thing I try to do is engage others in conversation. A social network should be social don't you think?
Yes totally, where is the social network if there is no discussion in post! I agree!
I think we have to make quality posts, sooner or later, it will be seen and become the norm!
We have to continue harder to make quality posts! Thank @iamwne for sharing this way of thinking!
It's about time someone spoke the truth... I was thinking to write a article on this topic myself... All the post about Steemit is becoming a little overwhelming now... I think people are still trying to impress the whales for a vote. Smh get over it and start posting about your likes and talents.
Yes, I hope someone with a lot of weight (why not a whale?) will highlight this soon!
Yes! Lets steem our hearts out. Art, dreams, information, research, stories. I am sure there will be plenty and looking forward to it :)
Yes! Exactly! Let speak with our heart !
What's interested you @jonasontheroof ? Travel? Food? Photography? =)
Whatever real that comes from unique and true experiences. Music, food, travels, all kind of things that can widen the scope, enhance peoples lives, put words to emotions and reveal mysteries. Those kind of interesting things!
I think the devs should notice this too!
Yes! But we also have to post on what we are interested on! Don't you think? =)
Ultimately, I agree with you but in the mean time don't forget that new users come everyday, and the first thing they will have in their minds is "What is Steemit?" It took a while before going out of this first phase, and we must understand that :-)
Yes of course I understand what you mean and you're right =)
But I wanted to speak especially about stats or post about whales or other things like that..
All of the "How to begin" or "What is steemit?" are interesting when you just arrived in the platform and is a need. I learned a lot with that me too! =)
Hey Steemians! What's on your minds? =)
Witch subject is the most interesting for you? =)
Come on! The community want to ear you! =)
It kind of reminds me about Google Plus...
Really? I don't really know Google plus even if i'm connected on ^^
It's just to follow my sister, she's in Canada! :-)
Well no this platform does not remind me of it. I was just saying, at least in the early days, all people talked on G+ about was G+.
Oh yes ok!
I think it's because of the beginning of the platform. The effect of the "New"