I know some people are concerned that STEEMIT, currently suffering something of a lull in activity and STEEM price, will have the boots put to it when competing platforms arrive - not to worry!
Synereo, Decent, Yours, Lbry, Akasha?
First of all, some of these so-called future competitors are not at all similar in design nor intent, and have made choices in design that will make it far more difficult to develop tools, services, or products - still others are trying to sell themselves as competitors but they do not have their own blockchain at all, nor do they have their own crypto-currency, fueling an economy.
Given also that most of these projects are no where near a beta release, and STEEMIT has already built a core community, they have some serious catching up to do. In the meantime, STEEMIT will release countless new features, and interface upgrades, with god knows how many supporting side-projects popping up along the way.
Improve Your Skills, Build Your Product Library & Develop Your Brand
The greatest benefit of being active on STEEMIT today, is that you are developing real skills - finding out what you're all about, finding out what your audience will respond to, while creating a body of work, that is truly yours, as a verified member of STEEMIT. If you are attempting to promote yourself as a "social media" personality, then STEEMIT is your proving ground - can you attract new followers, can you stimulate conversation around the material you produce, are you a productive, contributing member of the community, who is a benefit to the wider userbase? This is an important part of becoming 'relevant' - standing back from the ground and only chiming in with negative comments, will bring you no joy.

One Big Happy Decentralized Family!
So, I say let the competition come! You will be ready - ready to participate! Yes, prepare to share the content you have developed here, on those new platforms which will slingshot you to super-stardom, as it has done on STEEMIT! :) No need to dedicate yourself entirely to one system - this is your decentralized network, your content, do with it as you please! You may always love STEEMIT as your home, but feel free to explore, and interact with users of those other worlds - in the end, we can be confident that they will find their way here, to STEEMIT, which will be miles ahead of them, and far superior in every way!

First mover advantage: check.
Market value of Steem: doesn't matter at this time as long as solvent.
Competition: competition for what?
That's the question we should all be focused on at this time (IMnsHO)
I started on steemit 3 months ago during an airport layover and I'm on one again. And back on steemit after a month off.
Let's focus on the Y. Steemit connects X (you creators) with Y (us consumers). How can we attract and retain more Y?
Maybe we should focus payouts on commentary instead of votes. Anyone else dismayed by posts that get 300 up votes and no comments?
Maybe that could be the THING. Steemit is where people get paid for being active participants in thought provoking discourse.
Don't we all skim the content on our way to the comments? Or is that just me....
P.S. After a month off, the forward progress that has already been made is probably more apparent to me than to those who have not looked away.
How many people will read this
Loved it and followed you!
Very positive and helpful message!