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in #steemit7 years ago

I took it from github and modified UI and backend. There is no sign of copyright on Github page.
According to Github license I am allowed to do that. You can read it here
Number 5. License Grant to Other Users
Any Content you post publicly, including issues, comments, and contributions to other Users' repositories, may be viewed by others. By setting your repositories to be viewed publicly, you agree to allow others to view and "fork" your repositories (this means that others may make their own copies of your Content in repositories they control).


Can to you it is worth sharing remuneration with the author of an original code and to tell it participation in work on a code?

Forking on github does that automatically and everyone will know that this was originally created by me, but he hasn't forked it. He has literally stolen my work without giving credit.

Sorry for that, I forked it so that you receive credit.

No please don't. Because I do not want anyone to fork my work. I will write it in my profile now. And please refer to this comment where you see that github does not enforce any license on repositories. If a repository does not have a license like mine, you have to talk to the owner.

Ok, deleted this fork.
Sorry, but I acted according to their license not comments and now I am getting my other posts flagged, too. Don't you think that it is too much?

I spoke to @austbitbank earliner and he provided a more fair solution. He will remove the flag from post and you receive the full liquid credit for the post I made. I in turn will not use your code on

I agreed with @ausbitbank and he removed his flag. And I did not ask anyone to flag your other posts.

I know that you did not want anything like that to happen, but never mind what happened is in the past.
And thank you for understanding.

The fact that the Github license allow forking does not mean all sources their are free to copy and use.

Github's response to this question (2013 already):

Pavlo Mykhalov‏ @growtofill 13 Jul 2013

What license terms are applicable to a public @github project if none are specified within the project?

GitHub Support‏

Replying to @growtofill
@growtofill We don’t impose any licenses on repositories. You should ask the owner to apply an open source license if you want to use it.
7:32 PM - 13 Jul 2013

Thank you very much for your support and this information from github's support team. I appreciate it. Do you have a link to this quote or question/answer?

Sure, here's the twitter link:

Thanks a lot for this! :]

Just because you are allowed to do so doesn't mean people get along with it. Now people will flag your ass to the ground because they are also allowed to do so.

If you believe that you are right you can flag, I am not stopping you. But I copied this code like people copy Jquery and PHP code every day. Do you always credit Jquery on yourwebsite, no. But you sometimes use your website for commercial use, yes.

Those things are under open-source license. You don't need to credit them. My code was not under any license and you should have asked me before you copy it. I also noticed that you have copied unrelated files from my repository which are totally unnecessary for the TIPPER to work. This means that you do not have enough skills to implement something like this on your own. Yet you're taking credit for your "hard work" in the comment section and you're now promising not to use my code but implement your own(yet your app is still using mine). I doubt you can implement your own after looking into how you've copied mine.

Knowing the difference between right and wrong is one of the causes of good mental health. Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should @yuriks2000.