Good morning.
I came across this post from @ausbitbank offering an opportunity to win 1000 SP of delegated power to better influence voting power for supporting minnows and having more influence to give guidance to people who need it.
I replied with this audition below.....
If there is anyway fellow steemians of all levels can support me through this and give me some advice It will be greatly appreciated. And I am not all about winning. If all I get are some comments and conversations that can make me a better steemer, then I have already won :)
Please leave a comment and a resteem so I may have more steemers give me advice and encourgement.
Thank you in advance.
Hi @ausbitbank
This delegation going to me is something you will be impressed with beyond this week. The first thing I say has to be lead by integrity. So I will speak some truth before I plead my case. I have a goal that I would like to achieve I steemit and I am not in a rush. In my day job I change lives everyday and I have done so for 16 years. Tangible results have left me wanting to do more. In this time I have run a major online forum and owned another one. Being promoted by the people is why I ended up there. I had a passion for helping people no matter what the context. I was known as Master Yoda on these forums. And I have brought with me many years of knowledge and experience on the mentality of people on a social media platform.

Let's get back to what I would like to achieve here in the long term. I would like to free up my time and spend time here full time. Here where I have the opportunity to express myself through my writing on a wide range of topics. You will see on my blog that I am passionate about a wide of life. I have barely scratched the surface with all I want to talk about. I would like to strike a balance where I draw an income equal to my professional income from steemit one day. That is me being honest. For my personal fulfillment of working hard in the way I love most. To free me from a schedule so I can work from anywhere in the world. As to materials, I have or had more than most people, so I am no longer that curious about possession of fancy things. For my ageing parents who has become more and more dependant on me, at present their life will be comfortable as long as they are frugal and I want better than that for them, as they raised me through immigrating to a foreign country and endured the burden of blood and sweat to give me an opportunity to become who I am today. And for my beloved wife, who saw me through thick and thin, who loves me still after a wild life, a history that will turn most good women away. She still never forgot me and never stopped loving me and even left her family behind and came to Australia to be with me. And I swear by the soul of the Universe that I will give her the best life she deserves. And most of all, my time. I wish that this song was written by me as a gift to her. Please take a moment with it. I would appreciate that.
How am I going to achieve that? I have learned mostly the hard way and sometimes in victorious ways that I must be a team player. I am where I am today because someone added value to my life. And I have so far learned that the only way I can reap any reward worth reaping is to add value to others. Omegatrend, Cobra Group, Herbalife, A2K, are just some of the things I have done that has taught me that the only way I succeed is to help others succeed.
Have I always done it this way? No..... And those are the times I got a swift kick in the ass from the Universe for being ultimately selfish. In a personal story I shared I explained the losses I had to endure and endure for a decade. So I have retained the best and discarded the worst from what I have learned in my 40 years of life. Well I'll be 40 in a couple of weeks, And there will be a party ;)

Finding steemit three weeks ago sent into a vortex of excitement. Not just because I can post like I used to on Facebook. Facebook and my past forums were my life. I loved expressing myself and connecting with people and I got a real buzz out of it whenever I was able to offer people anything that added value to their lives. But I have since changed my mind about Facebook. And learned even more about the generic social media world. The content here is driven to be quality content, and this space is made up of such genuine intent and friendliness. I decided this is going to be my thing.
I was excited

So I posted and posted and posted and was starting to enter the cloud of frustration most minnows face.

helping other minnows become part of minnow support and recieved a lot of warm comments that was very motivating. And it was also the first time I post made more than a couple of dimes lol. On the inside I felt like a BOSS ;)Then I found @minnowsupport, and paid 100% attention. I learned the term minnow and understood the troubles myself face and knew hit the jackpot. Not just about what I can get from minnow support, but to be in a community where I can spread my wings and contribute. When I succeed here, a trail of success in other people has to be left. And after seeing posts from other people like @adil. I went right onto helping others. The unique opportunity here is that I am not talking down to anyone while I am streets ahead. I am actually living through what I preach. I started with

Being a little too excited I carried on and made a second post on the knowledge of the 6 human needs I apply to most areas in my life I passionately leanred from Mr Anthony Robbins over 20 years. And then a third post to share that I found @randowhale. I really felt the buzz of giving back and being mentor.

As with anything when I get enough compliments my head gets big. I am human afterall. But what is important is that I can step back and retrospect myself and learn from it. I was getting cocky and I learned the hard way about not spamming people. I was given advice from legend @aggroed himself.

My final post of this nature was based on a very successful steemier @allasyummyfood who I think ended up silencing me because I was so annoying (lesson learned) or after she looked at my posts I linked earlier. I guess I'll never know.
I have chosen not to post like that in the meantime as my knowledge is not up there yet. I have gone back to making posts on topics I am passionate about or amuse me. And just learning along the way.
While advising some newbies on steemchat as a minnow and helping where I can. It's is hard to talk about everything I have done as I have posted a lot.
I am sure the great teach you have will choose the right person for this. And if I am chosen none of you will regret it as I will give my best for the growth of this platform and contribution to all the minnows like myself in it.
I look forward to hearing the results and I will greatly appreciate the support from everyone if I win, and in turn will passionately support the winner.

You seem very passionate and motivated to help minnows and new users who come along to join Steemit, for this reason I will upvote you and resteem your post. Hopefully you win @ yoda1917 - also followed you to encourage you further down the road if you do get this.
Thank you so very much
You're welcome - much love and Steem on!
Good luck, to you, I wish
Hahahahah Yoda talk
May I ask for an resteem to get this to a bigger audience. That would be awesome
The Yoda pictures are definitely an attention grabber lol. It seems like you have the passion and dedication, and it's good to see you putting in effort. Steemit is all about rewarding those that work hard, and I have no doubt you will win soon enough :)
Thank you. If you and other believe it. It will happen.
Any chance I can get a resteem from you before this sinks? I would like to hit a larger audience :)
Awesome post. thanks fro sharing.
You're welcome. :)
Similar goals Yoda! look foward to future posts!
I will give me best to create the best posts :)
May I ask for a resteem to hit a bigger audience? That would be awesome :)
You can ask Yoda but I am still very new to steemit or i would :)..its my 2nd week since I started and if you have any tips that would be helpful! Check out my latest posts for some sweet pictures of exotic vehicles!
You're funny yoda!
up v
Thanks lol... I hope you meant funny as in the way I post ... :)
May I get an resteem to up my chances ? :)
Got you i have, already (...light-sabre sounds)
follow me you must, and upvote with the force ;)
wow, awesome
Thank you ... dare I ask for a resteem to get a wider audience :)
I am newbie for the steem dear, can you please explain me the important of resteem , thanks
When someone resteems a post it shows the post to all the people following the resteemer so the post gets wider potential audience.
It will be greatly appreciated :)
Ohh, thanks my friend , will stay connect with you , already hit the follow button
Follow and and check out some of my posts
click here!This post received a 4.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @yoda1917! For more information,
This post has received a 1.00 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @yoda1917.
just read your whole post again, i did...
Glad I amused you :)
I came here for yoda. I am appeased.
Awww Thanks, that means a lot.
Hey any chance I can get you to resteem this for me before it gets too old? :)
I voted you based on your sheer effort and amount of work it looks like you are pouring into this. Good luck!
and you don't even need to ask, I just re-steemed it! :)
just remember me when you are a whale please :) :)
Lol, I won't forget :)
Good luck!think of us when you win : )
I have to win first and if I do I will not forget :)
Any chance I can get a resteem? This has sunken :)
Black books!
Lol what do you mean by black boots :)
Books..? The tv show :)
Lol, I have no idea
Hey any change I can get you to resteem this so I can hit a wider audience? I would greatly appreciate that :)
Thank you :)
Any chance you can resteem this for me? It has sunken to the bottom of the minnow pool.
Will be greatly appreciated :)
You Received a 3.00 Upvote from @worldclassplayer
That is a good plan of action, you are a valuable asset for the steemit community.
Thank you so much :)
Can you do me a huge favor and resteem this for me. It has sunken already.
And I hope I earned a follow and an upvote from you :)
Wow, you have such passion and fire to help others, its such a great quality to have. Thank you for your post and your support.
Supporting you = supporting myself and everyone else. You are most welcome. May ask you to please resteem this so that it can reach a larger audience :) And if I have earned a follow that would be awesome :)
Upvoted and resteemed master yoda 😊 really nice post. I admire your passion and self reflection, I think you are already a winner with this mentality!
Thank you so very much for your compliment :)
Hello Yoda,
Since you are so eager to help people, could you answer a question for me?
Can you tell me the advantages of joining these support groups? It seems like there is quite a lot of competition and one has to beg for upvotes just to stay afloat. I have been trying to get by without having to join any groups and although it is a struggle, I'm making steady progress. I don't enjoy begging and would like to be able to reach the top on the merits of my work rather on the mercy of others. Having said that, it is not easy to find a large audience, so I'm wondering if by joining one of the support groups there would be a larger audience or if the same thing happens there and posts just get buried rather quickly?
Thanks for your time.
like this.You ask a great question and I will give my best to answer. I believe that joining groups like @minnowsupport is good for morale and you get to be amongst like minded people. @minnowsupportproject helped me get a few upvotes but it did not make be rich at all. Within these groups we get to see tips and real information that can help us a little with earnings
But it is no substitute for hard work, dedication, and good intentions. Come and see what else I say about these matters @yoda1917
Hope I helped a little.
OK, thank-you.
What I get out of your answer is that other than moral support, joining gives you no advantage. It promotes vote-buying which I cannot agree with. This platform is supposed to reward good content. Buying votes means you can write garbage and just pay for a vote. I can see that as a slippery slope to the bottom. Sorry, but just not my cup of tea. I value integrity over making a quick buck. In fact I have been giving away some of what little I make just to spread the wealth.
Thanks for the honesty and insight.
Great read.
Its good to be critic and learn from mistakes. And with positive energy and humbleness we can achieve anything. Once again, thanks blockchain technology for everything you give us. Freedom!
Thanks for sharing!
Glad you liked it, follow me and let me know what you think of my work :)