With the increase in the number of interested contingents and user expansions, a large part of the industry has increased the volume of services, which has allowed for various types of treatment with currency. In this project, the maximum popularity was fixed by exchanges in cryptocurrency currencies: conditional trading platforms through which anyone can buy or sell an encrypted currency.
The work of such platforms is created in accordance with the traditional exchange scheme: the price of an asset depends on the demand and requirements, which are formed due to the cost of purchase or sale orders. The difference is not only in Proviant, as are the trading operators, but also as an input - there is no agent or concrete evidence, sufficient registration on the website of cryptocurrency and Nemer’s recharge bags.
What happens to the formation of a cryptocurrency exchange is not weak, is not an easy task, but the exchange, which provides a complete set of devices and functions, is considered the most difficult problem. I want to offer you the company Cryptonity, the project worked with a cryptothermia as traders and miners who existed with intensive users. Real platforms are needed to create the cryptocurrency exchanges that they expected.
Recommend this crypto:
guarantee a more complete, reliable, colorless and collective exchange platform at auction.
1 I want to provide our users
the safest trading platform. To accomplish this mission, I will work with the most well-known security experts on the exchange, it was checked twice during independent security companies, and we collected our monitoring results with the goal of absolutely all of our users. Our partners in accordance with the safety requirements will be mentioned on our website. Continue to guarantee our users a robust business skill, I will create an insurance document for reimbursement
our users in case of overhead due to the attack. More information about our insurance policy can be found in the field of exchange base.
2 collective communication with our users.
I am more than sure that I involved our users in the development of our platform. I will have different communication channels to interact with our users, and I will definitely answer our user requirements as soon as possible. I want our society to participate in the development of the platform, in terms of the functions to be invented, coins to be listed, and so on. The “Request for Assessment” function will be performed with the goal of users to present the functions they would like to notice at the landing stage.
, Cryptonity is called token token
. XNY character.
The crypto toner released in the Ethereum blockchain. In the future, a personal chain will be developed on the platform.
The platform will not increase the production of tokens in addition to their purchase. The plan considers that such effects are manipulated.
When using a token plan, owners will be given a perpetual 50 percent advantage over Cryptonity exchange rates. Someone will also allow
owners to assist in some similar functions, as well as to hold a referendum due to the "currency of the month."
For information :
BitcoinTalk Name: yantiaryan
My Wallet ETH : 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512
BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1445306