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RE: It’s Always a Good Time to Say Thank You!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Bless you, dear Ruth, for the goodness and beauty that you embody and emanate. May your good fortune increase in proportion to your capacity to appreciate life and its many wonders, people included :)

Here's a wish for all of us from the Dalai Lama:

My wish is that, one day, formal education will pay attention to the education of the heart, teaching love, compassion, justice, forgiveness, mindfulness, tolerance and peace.

This education is necessary, from kindergarten to secondary schools and universities. I mean social, emotional and ethical learning. We need a worldwide initiative for educating heart and mind in this modern age


what a gem of a comment, thank you for your huge heart and beautiful way of expressing the complexities and beauties of life!! And thank you for the blessing, I receive it wholeheartedly. Cheers to the words of the Dalai Lama, very very wise wish.

I'm happy it reached you and that it makes you happy :) Carry on creating, creative soul, and by being yourself, teaching us the art of living _/|\_