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RE: My first month using Steemit & Dtube: A Crude Analysis

in #steemit7 years ago

I don't know how many videos you have in your back catalog or how often you're uploading new videos, but if you only have so many and only upload brand new videos every so often, you might wanna slow down and upload on a regular schedule rather than posting all of them right away in bulk while you're new and don't have a lot of followers yet. That's what I'm doing. I mean, if you have like 100,000 videos already made, then by all means, keep posting them on dtube at the same rate. If you don't have a lot, I'd recommend slowing down. I can't tell you what to do, I can only suggest with your success here in mind.


Yeah I have been considering the same thing actually so thanks for voicing it also. I have somewhere around five hundred more that are already made and I make more each day. I have been trying to get between two and four uploaded each day which basically takes me from early morning to around one in the afternoon to accomplish. A lot of the early days I was making more than one video a day (which is all I do anymore unless something odd occurs) so I have been trying to get a whole 'day' posted each time I start doing uploads. As always thanks for your input. I am definitely leaning towards just posting one or two videos a day but I am also trying to maximize my electrical usage this time of year because I am getting a lot of sun and that is going to change pretty soon.

I agree with @xsrian-cooking on the speed of upload being hard for people to digest. It's a large time investment to watch all of those, and I can't keep up.

I'd say do what you gotta do to get the archived material online so you can slow down and focus on what's happening with you now, which is easier to feel connected to.

Thank you @cahlen I appreciate your advice.

Just watching the videos and writing articles about them each day is difficult for me to digest as I understand the sentiment there. I am definitely torn between following the advice being given to me (to only post a few things a day) and my desire to finish what i think of as an 'archival process'.

I also understand the importance of posting 'current material' and how it is easier to 'connect' to but I also know that without some sort of context (the past) the present won't make a whole lot of sense.

It is kind of weird for me because I have been sharing my videos (and experiences) privately from the beginning amongst a rather large friend base and doing it here is strange because although a few folks on here are actually friends the majority of folks have no real context about me or my there is a bit of a compulsion (on my part) to try to familiarize folks with me and my antics.

For now I am going to slow down on the uploads but unsure about posting current things because honestly the most current stuff is mostly me grinding away writing articles and posting videos. :)