Why Doesn't Steemit Have Profile Pics?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Call me lazy, I'll take it-- and I did do a search for "Steemit profile pic" but I just can't seem to find anywhere where it says WHY users can't / don't have the ability to upload a profile pic.

Sure it could be in the white paper. Lord knows I haven't read through that whole thing yet. Shoot, I'm busy just trying to read all the open Steemit article tabs I have open ATM.

My guess is that it has something to do with Steemit not wanting or having the ability to host images. Mind you, this is all my amateur speculation. Essentially, I'm hoping somebody swoops in with the explanation and makes a paycheck with upvotes on their explanation comment.

I'm definitely excited learning how this platform works and unlike some people... ** cough: Darryl from FTL ** I actually love the concept of Steemit even if it ultimately proves to be economically unsound. Shoot, we all know the US Dollar is damn-near a Ponzi scheme and it still manages to stay afloat somehow.

So, in closing... Who can explain why Steemit doesn't allow profile pics? Bonus points to anybody who also explains where that has already been explained and whether that feature could ever conceivably be introduced.

Good day to you all! Peace.


Hasn't been implemented?

Right, I get that. But why!? Doesn't it seem like one of the first things any social network would put in place?

I refuse to post anything until I can have a profile pic. It's a part of my "character".

Hosting and serving images has a cost associated with it. It could be as simple as saving money while they work on core features. Functionality takes priority over aesthetics.

Yep. The cost of hosting was my hunch. I'm still somewhat surprised they didn't implement a simple set of maybe 20-30 generic icons from which people could choose. But, so far, it seems that the general concensus is that it's a feature we can expect to see at some point in the not too distant future...

Well you can see they intend to allow this feature in the future. I mean they have a place for it in their design already. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before it gets implemented.

They just did a big overhaul yesterday to the look, feel and reputation system.

Yes, to be clear: I'm definitely not complaining. In fact, if they never implemented the feature, I'd still be a big fan of the platform and regular contributor. That all said-- and you rightfully point out that there have been wonderful updates in recent days-- is there a WHY to be had? Is there a reason that anyone has publicly stated anywhere as to WHY the feature wasn't part of the initial launch? I fully understand if this is something that just isn't known but I'd be surprised if I'm the only one to call this little detail out and want to know what's up.

I've found no official "why" but I also haven't been looking for it. From what I can tell they have their hands full at the moment making sure the currency stays stable and people aren't exploiting things.

But image is everything!

i have read that profile pictures and banner pics on our blog pages are in the works i'm not expecting it to take much longer now. i think it's a simple case of priorities it's more important that the site runs smoothly than looks pretty at the moment.

Ok, so, it's starting to sound like the consensus is: It's coming.
I heard somebody saying on Facebook that they tried signing up and they are being told there is a waiting period. Maybe Steemit is starting to gain steem haha. Seriously though, I get the priority of profile pics not exactly being the most important fire to put out ATM.

they did close signups for a few days just after i signed up, they where still recovering from the hack and doing a lot behind the scenes, but that person should have been able to sign up for a while now.

I didn't like the fact that I had to use my facebook account to sign up for this. I am shy and want to write anonymously under a pseudonym. Is that not allowed?

Well I suppose this is a case of misery loves company because I also couldn't figure out how to upload a profile so I did a search for answers but found zip nada :(

Thanks for chiming in... yeah. I was surprised there was not a lot of discussion about this (admittedly frivulous) missing component.

What Like this?

My Profile

Name:AlbertSteemit ID: @virtasahre
Country: South AfricaLink: My steemit image tutorial

Thanks great post! I found this tutorial the other day and thought it might be a fun addition to your post. Enjoy!

If anyone would like to do the " Steemit Profile Challenge " please follow this link: https://steemit.com/profile/@bitminter/steemit-profile-pic-challenge

Cool concept. I give you a thumbs up for effort. Nice pic BTW :)