Can anyone help with this:
I posted a recipe on my @woman-onthe-wing account, and a comment was left by @aireal which said:
I notice that your post has been copied by Felixjaspeer :
SMOKE or EDIBLES - A Pothead’s Lament
So, perhaps stupidly, I clicked on the link, and it took me to the post stated above, but then a pop-up box asked me to log in, which caught me out because prior to seeing this comment I had just logged out of my @woman-onthe-wing account so I could log into @make-it-healthy and upvote/resteem posts for the Make It Healthy Project. This is why I didn't realise I was logging into my other account for this hacker.
They then immediately emptied the funds from my @make-it-healthy wallet, to an account under the name of @angela-noel (clearly not a real person when you go to their account page). It was just less than 10 SBD, thankfully, but that's not the point.
I'm now unable to access my @make-it-healthy account.
Anyone have any suggestions how to get my account back? I'm not even bothered about the money, it's the fact this account is for my project and it's kinda important!
I sent you a message in the chat
Thanks Ivy x
You are the 2nd person @ohicklin that I have seen today mentioning this scam. Resteeming
Thanks very much, I appreciate that @melinda010100. I hope no-one else is caught out by this, it's not very nice!
My sincerest commiserations! This is AWFUL! Wish I could, but crypto-nonce that I am I can't help. Somebody please HELP. I shall resteem to see if this brings in some useful advice.
Thank you! I'm just glad I didn't log in with my main account, phew! I found a link for account recovery, so perhaps that will work. We'll see! Many thanks for your help @sukhasanasister
Hmmm I have seen this one before (yesterday or so).
I don't remember who is in the same situation as you but it clearly sucks... sorry to hear that.
Thank you! These guys are clever, and don't mind playing dirty games. Ugh. I'm glad I'm not a person like that!
Contact steemit ASAP so they can help you recover your account. There are too many people with this problem lately. I hope you can recover your account soon.
Thank you @blacklux, I have started account recovery so fingers crossed!
It looks like @aireal was hijacked by @arkan who was in turn hijacked, so this is a daisy chain of hacks.
I see... just to confuse us all! Thanks for the info :-)
Were you using your posting key to login? If not, only use that key.
In order for you to have been taken advantage of like this is if you used your owner key for logging in.
I hope things get straightened out for you. :)
Thanks very much @countrygirl :-)
Here is a pretty good write up on how to "un-hack" yourself.
Thanks very much @gikitiki, that's very helpful :-)
So sorry my friend! I'm glad for you that it was not your main account, as well, though either way it is such a violation. @chelsea88 just got her account back, though I don't think she got her @eastcoaststeem page back. :(
Most people seem to get their accounts back thankfully, so I'm hoping the same for myself! I can't believe I did it though... I was doing three things at once and it didn't register that the pop-up sign-in box was part of the hack as I was literally logging out of one account and into the other at that very moment! Duh!
So, she clicked on a link, and we give her more links! I guess it has to just be a matter of who we trust, huh?
My apologies! I'm deleting it! I'm sorry!
No worries!!! :-)
Please forgive me, it was a rookie mistake. I've learned my lesson, won't happen again!
I didn't even see the link before you removed it @erikah, so I have no idea what it was, only I'm certain you meant well or it was a mistake! No problems at all! :-)
It was a link to a post telling you wat to do in case you were hacked. But it doesn't matter now. Thank you for your understanding!
I reblogged it, but because it was posted two weeks ago, Steemit places it among the posts I posted two weeks ago, so it's not in front. That's why I posted a link foolishly.
My point was only that we all click on links in comments all day long without giving it a second thought. I know I do. The link you posted @erikah was a helpful one. I resteemed it. I just wish I knew a way to stop this sort of thing from happening.
OH MY GOSH!!! I am so sorry and furious at the same time Dear Joanna, I read some of the comments here on your post and I hope they will be helpful.
Thanks Lena, yes, I've been directed to some very helpful info which I'm very grateful for! This is why I always post problems to the community... they're a lovely and helpful bunch of people these Steemians! (except the horrid hijackers)
The hackers are not Steemians, they are just a nasty virus and karma will catch up with them!!!
Thank God for the awesome Steem family 🌸💖🌸
I'm sorry about this :( I hope you can get your account back.
Thank you Ann, I hope so too! We'll see :-)
I've no ideas at all newly know little minnow, but happy to resteem and see if it gets picked up by my little crowd.
Hope you get some resolution, DJ
Thank you :-)
my friend who was stolen wrote this post
my friend's account was stolen by arkan.he still can not get it back. @arkan stole my friend's 50 sbd.He is student and he needs money very much. please help him.
I hope your friend gets his account back eventually. It's not nice to have your account or funds stolen :-(
Thanks for warning. I didn't know these things are happening here.
Yes indeed they happen all too often! I don't normally fall for these things, but it shows how we can be caught out if not on guard! If ever you get an odd comment with a link, or a pop-up box asking you to sign in, don't do it! That's how they get your password. Silly me, but the reason I didn't realise was because I had literally just signed out of my main account and thought I was logging in to my other, just bad timing for me and good timing for the hacker/bot whatever it is!