Man, I used to drool over those computers!
They were so cool compared to my lil puter with 2k of memory...
- Now younguns have phones more powerful than what NASA used to go to the moon!
- They have no idea, do they?
- Just remembered I bought Atari 800's for both my kids and I had the ...wait, I gotta puff up my chest... Atari 1600!
- They have no idea, do they?
- I had the original Radio Shack pong game, then bought an Intellivision sometime while in the Navy. haha hours and hours wasted playing with those!
Yeah, the old Atari games, loved Pitfall. Played it as much as I could. I finally wore it out. That was a sad day. I cut grass and did odd jobs to earn enough to buy my computers and stuff. My parents did not get it. Thought it was a waste of money. Learned some basic programming on the Tandy.