Steemit Advice: Do Not Ask For A 'Follow For Follow'

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey everyone,

If you are new here and are trying to find your way around , welcome :). Put your feet up and tell us about yourself. But what you shouldn't do, it you want to succeed, is comment that you will follow for follow. Very few people will do it and none of them that do have a lot of steem power. At best you will get ignored and at worse you will see more flags than a U.N. meeting. People on here do not want to see your follow messages.

Personally I don't care if you leave me a comment that says it. You would have to leave me something very egregious for me to flag you, and still, I would probably ignore it. But what I won't do is follow you, I won't even click on your profile. I will just ignore you and move on through my comments. And I am not the only one. I'm sure lots of people do not care about these posts or worse, they think this person is not authentic. Or they might even flag you. You can be a very interesting person with lots of things to say but it doesn't show in your follow for follow comment. Or, the even lazier follow 4 follow. It is the same if you make generic one word comments like nice. People on here see through it and you are only doing yourself a disservice.

What should you do? Actually write something that has anything to do about the article. Even if you didn't read the article and scanned through it, writing anything on topic is better than follow 4 follow. I am not saying kiss any one's ass, people can see through that to, just make an effort. It is your profile and you do what you want but you might be wasting your time if you think this is the way to success.

I'm not calling any one out and wish the best for anyone posting. But you might want to switch things up.


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer:

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Thank you for this post. I am completely new to Steemit, and I just got my account approved yesterday. I’m still trying to figure out exactly how all this works. I have heard about the “follow for follow”, and even people upvoting their own posts and then buying more Steem power to keep getting more money. I knew that sounded suspicious. I’m guessing the only way to really get something lucrative going is to write great content with some value to those who read the posts. I’ve heard someone else give the advice to “treat this like any other social media, interact with people, and the rest will come in time”.

what can I say? you have said it all.

Well said. Now go ahead and feel free to follow me. lol

Yeah I was waiting for those jokes :p

Yea I think its lame. Why would you want someone to follow you when they probably won't care about your blog. As long as you keep blogging right followers will find you and that will be more fruitful in a long run. This gave me an idea for a another blog post :)

follow me too

I came here to make these jokes, but I'm 22 hours too late.

I did the "follow for follow" thing once, and then I looked at the dude's content. Crap. Immediately unfollowed. I do use the minnowsupport/banjo bot though, as it does give me some votes. But of course none of those votes have much steem power, so the system is taking care of that well. I post quality content and so have made some money. I take pride in my content. The "follow for follow" stuff doesn't mean crap. I may not have a lot of followers, but when I get an upvote from a whale for my good content, it means something to me and it pays out. The concept of whales and minnows is a good one. Whales generally have good taste. That might be the smartest aspect of Steemit. It's not just about getting followers and upvotes, it's about getting upvotes from people with Steem power. That is the genius tweak that gives this site some interesting potential.

I will follow you if you 100% upvote me, deal?
Also follow me for free please.

Do agree with your opinion.
The most effective way to get a lot of followers, is to write something worth to read.
Do not waste your time, to leave a lot of rubbish in other people's posts.

I am a follow for follow steemian..but now..i think your right..havr to work on my Public relation skillls..thanks.

Great advice! Helps us new streemers. I've don't this once sadly on my first post lol. No more

i was thinking of commenting follow me jokes then i saw the comments..

I am not saying follow me to follow, but I am actually following everyone that starts following me in turn without declaring that!

Multibles accounts very bad trying to trick the system with
upvoting your own content ! only non creative People do this
you should know that Steemit has the technology to verify
the user same like google adsense spider they know when
you cheat :) and begging for follow up is poor as well
respect yourself and write something you dont need to
write long stories trevonjb explains how to earn $20 a day check this out + SteemOn

"A follow for a follow leaves the whole world followed"
-Ted Cruz

This is true.

Also "You may only comment once every 20 seconds".

So you're saying we aren't going to become BFF's? Dang it. I was counting on meeting some people I could put in my living will. I have a tree frog who has to go to some lucky person and I just figured Steemit was where you go to find people when you're doing estate planing. Well, fine...nice red button, then.

I couldn't agree more. I'm fairly new to Steem (less than a week) and I've seen dozens of those types of comments. Seems rather greedy to me, or bot-like. I'd hate for SteemIT to turn into the spamming cesspool of Instagram where bot accounts harass you with invites and requests for followers

this post will help some newbie people like me here in steem, it's more effective when all of us cooperating, well in my case i have a fewer followers but i doesn't mean that less follower lesser earn, i'm just saying as i read some post of our steem mate "you don't need followers", but all you have to do is make your reputation grow, and that's more advantage, if you have higher reputation you have more chance to show your blog/post or article to people who have higher reputation too.

Great article
Followed you

totally agree

I'm new here and trying to understand the workings of steemit. Appreciate the advice from someone who knows.

It's common sense, really. But still, IDK why people ask each other to follow them!

Anyways, thanks for making a post on this matter, @WhatAGeek! :)

So, you're saying you WONT be giving me that follow then...Saaad Pandaaa.

I totally agree though, I've never been a fan of people doing that, been noticing it a lot more lately. I've also had people leaving comments saying they've followed me/upvoted me, and to follow them when they haven't done shit, lol.

It comes when a site starts to get big, people using these flawed tactics to try to get ahead.

Just imagine when we have 500-750k users on here how much spam there will be if the site is still the same.

Yes, but it is easy to confirm that they DID NOT follow NOR upvote, and you know they are full of it! Flag time!

I have noticed in the 3 weeks I have been on here, the followers you get most of the time are new people thinking that is how to get ahead. Good Luck and yes, I do just ignore those posts!

You see it a lot in new sites where people just try to get numbers.

That's what I observed too, like a domino effect but then who's the win win situation here? is still the one who build a good foundation who has a good and something interesting post specially valuable information.

Great post upvoted and followed! Keep up the good work :)

We would love to have you join and build the ESteemNet community!! Join the Discord Text Chat Channel and Check out our Introduction Post to learn how we plan to engage and reward content creators like you. Not a follow for follow request!

I've left what I hope are meaningful comments on other people's posts, and a note to let them know I've followed them, but I don't ask for follows in return. I want people to follow me because they enjoy what I write. If they're actually interested in the things I write about, they'll be more likely to upvote, comment or resteem. If they just want to swap follows, it's unlikely they'll read my posts so it's really of no value to me.

It's even worse when people send you a private chat message asking to swap follows, when you've never come across their work and have no idea who they are or why they are randomly contacting you.

So far I have about 60 followers. I never posted anything about follow for follow, but I have fallen for some of those comments myself. I'ma noob. However, I don't think all of those followers are simply from people following me because I followed them. My problem is, that I write posts and they do not receive any views. My thought is that my post are being quickly pushed aside by the many other people making post as well. So I am wondering how I can make myself more noticeable. Does it take time and patience?

Yeah and luck. You are right, the feed is getting pretty busy with all the people posting and it will need better filtration to be more efficient.

Being relatively new here myself, I spent the 1st 2 weeks doing LOTS of reading! Then I began commenting on people's posts. I got some followers doing that. You can actually make some money commenting, so its both good for your reputation and your wallet. For now, I would concentrate my efforts on reading and commenting. Once you have a decent number of followers (100 or more) you can start writing posts and earning a few dollars each. After that, continue doing both and grow naturally.

Thank you. I have been doing lots of browsing and reading. I dont comment much, though. Mainly because I never know what to say. I will have to work on that.

If you continue to follow me and continue to upvote my posts I will continue to upvote yours!

Best way Ian to work your way up and earn a follow

It's more annoying then anything else.

Hi interesting read good thing I never said that lol. But I will tell you this to me is the best thing that has harkened to me in a long time. I have brain degeneration and thought my productive days were over but being here seeing all the cultures the beautiful places and food I am very happy and feel good about myself because I've met great people, enjoy your day and thank you for sharing

Thanks for spreading the word @whatageek @fyrstikken for resteeming.

The F4F game is so useless. What do these noobs expect to gain from the expercise? A group of people who are likely to ignore anything they may do in the future. These people don't realize that they are creating their own brand and this behavior severely sully that brand. Now FOLLOW ME!

Good article! I have always said if you are passionate about something work hard for it and involve the community through discussion vs ask for follows

Thanks again for showing me how to get around here. At times I get caught up in the excitement of it all and have made this mistake as well. @fyrstikken sorry if I dissappointed you, thank for the tip @whatageek
A month from now I will look back and realize all the things I did wrong.

Finally somebody says it! Thank you for this! We should do this weekly now, maybe we should even integrate it in the comment from the welcoming bot for new users ;)

Follow to be followed!hahaha...

So where do you stand on a post like the one I just put out there? I have read several "milestone" posts on Steemit and appreciate them as they assist us newbie types in getting a better understanding of that writer and their mentality. In my own, I also wanted to show others I am trying to help bring in more folks to the community, and acknowledge the ones who have helped me on the way. With that, knowing I brought in someone who has an incredibly small following, asking folks to go follow him BUT with a small description of who he is so people can see if he fits the type THEY would like to follow. Again, pretty new at this and any feedback is greatly appreciated.

I agree with this 100%. There is nothing wrong with following people who follow you if you like their content but artificially enflating their followers does nothing for steemit's growth.

Thanks @Cryptoviking for the feedback as I truly appreciate it!

Help post thanks

will follow for a non-plagarized 100+ word paragraph about fallow

This is my 5th day and I have only focussed on sharing and contribution towards community.

Never asked for a follow-follow thing
And I have 95 followers now. Pretty cool.

I know my this comment will give me 1 more follower.

I thought its a good idea to "beg" followers and exchange. I have been there few days. Guess I have to repent. Thanks.

Good advice. I actually ignore those posts, too.

I already saw people who are doing this and I joined today!!!

Well all this is really interesting,

I personally think that if you ask someone to follow you straight

forward after. Did you guys know that here in Sacramento there is a

little taco car like 10 blocks away from my house that sells really

good pastor tacos, they even have the spinner thing with the meat.

Mmm they are really good but they are only open Fri, Sat, Sun :(

and sell out right away.

Have a great day :D

Soy tu tio

Hey just follow n upvote my post also i will do same

Hello I see some of the articles that you post and I like it, I do not know if it would be a lot of annoyance that you would pass through my profile and give a view or I think you open articles that you like

That's true. All of people hope to increase the followers but they may use the wrong method. This is suitable for them who is included me. Thanks

I was at the superior if something would help. now i know its not the best way to start here. thx for the post, helped me

Nah! Follow or not Follow! Thats same <3

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