UMKA hopes to make ace system

in #steemit6 years ago


What Is UMKA?

UMKA is a decentralized, blockchain-based work grandstand with gainful undertaking use and a wide arrangement of supportive instruments consolidated into its structure. UMKA gives a phase where customers can find capable specialists, strong customers, and online courses from driving enlightening establishments.

UMKA hopes to make ace systems and give them the best condition for work, guidance, or mindfulness.

UMKA Decentralized Blockchain Labor Market Features

UMKA is made of features that enable steady venture among directors and legally binding specialists. A bit of the features are:

Automated universal ID – contains all customer data that is secured on the blockchain. The data consolidates the customer's capacities and abilities, their experience and courses they may have gone up against the stage.

Flexible Smart Contract – These splendid contracts streamline portions especially for whole deal adventures.

Circumspection structure – in case of false impressions, customers can use UMKA attestation to handle the issue.

Google Neural Machine Translation – it is joined into the structure to help customers from different countries talk with each other on the stage

The stage also incorporates a simple to utilize interface, which can be get to by methods for a versatile application, web variation or a work zone client.

Through the stage's shrewd system, administrators can set the essentials for experts and have the ability to decide for the different advisors who have the required capacities as recorded on their automated IDs. Specialists on the other hand can have the ability to get to adventures, openings, getting ready tasks and testing structures with the true objective to make their competency subject to the current market designs.

UMKA UMK Token And ICO Details

UMKA will work using assets for cryptographic cash and fiat money related gauges to unravel trades between customers. Leverage is the UMK token reinforced by a customer's cryptographic cash balance in their UMKA wallet or their fiat account balance on the stage.

Trades on the stage will be through the sharp gets that assistance Bitcoin and Ethereum regardless of the way that later on more electronic money related structures will be displayed.

The stage is driving an Initial Coin Offering with the true objective to encourage publicizing and headway of the endeavor. The ICO will issue the ERC20 UMK token on the Ethereum blockchain. Examiners can purchase the UMK tokens, which will guarantee enthusiasm in the midst of the apportionment of the stage's pay. A token holder's leveling will be appeared in their customer wallet. Token holders will get rewards subject to the proportion of tokens they have.

Token Symbol: UMK

Token Sale Starts: 1 June 2018

Indicate Supply: 180 million

Token Standard: ERC20

The token won't use mining as enrolling process, rather the framework will use 'witness' which is a square maker that has been picked by the framework that affirms trades and sagacious contracts. Customers can offer eyewitness benefits and get UMK tokens as compensations.

UMKA Benefits


Theorists will get additional tokens other than their tokens if they purchase a base token aggregate.


The stage will circle a commission of 1% to token holders reliant on the proportion of tokens available in their customer wallets.


Trades on the stage are finished using sharp contracts on the blockchain, which will allow following of all exercises on general society compose as such guaranteeing snappier and secure trades.

Lower Transaction Fees:

The decentralized thought of the stage infers that go-betweens, for instance, banks are excluded in the midst of trades in this manner the trades costs are restricted, as there are no commissions.



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