
Gotta be f***in joking. @iloveupvotes is a -8 corpse! @berniesanders can't even see something so small, let along put time aside to "debate" it. Debate what exactly? The value of being a worthless malcontent who has been crushed?

It was meant as a complete joke! I have sent the iloveupvote guy a cease and desist from commenting or contacting my account! I had posted a Jackass post, which was quite funny. I tried to help...but to no avail. . At this point I have closed the issue and will not post concerning this issue. At first I thought, from reading posts of others, that he was censored unfairly, but even if that were the case, his behavior is way out to lunch! He is contacting new users to Steemit and I am a new member.

way to be a asshole, :D @asshole was better actually. At least he didn't parade dead corpses pointing and laughing.

Sorry, I refuse to debate someone who is clearly mentally challenged.

Thank You For Responding. I've never seen a reply from you and thought you were just a bot! Perhaps this issue should have been dealt with before it reached this point! Clearly, I am not privy to the facts and clearly, new members to the community are atacked on a daily, if not hourly basis, and that, in my opinion, SUCKS! But I'm glad to see you're not a bot! I guess you are NOT bernie sanders either LOLOLOLOL! ha ha ha he he he that's very funny!

dude chill the fuck out. Name the users being attacked so we see the abuse. Don't cry to the big guys, do you expect anyone here to take care of 1000 people who decided to join, one person, are they all children. Please explain the problem to me since I must have missed it reading the 100s of posts per day, commenting and making posts myself. Then maybe we can work together and clear the misconceptions. And abuse. And stop trolling people. Also, abuse :D

PS i think i get it now. Yeah makes sense if you are butthurt hurt everyone in the joints and try to hamper their movements and growth. Yeah I did feel for the guy too, shame he's going even lower below the belt.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that is spam right there omg i hope i don't catch that :| insane 120 comments fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff the bot armies are advancing :D

I feel for you man having to deal with this for so long, btw wanted to ask you about your opinions since you were here before me at least share some thoughts. I still want to do that interview :D I promise it won't be jokey since you had enough of that I suppose. Honestly, I want to hear your opinion on the platform, the future, and your goals. It's a shame you are powering down, can't say I got to know you. And since I want to I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. Whatever you are here to stay. Pissed off at dan with some whale tugs of annoyance that I hope gets cleared out.

Cheers mate, best regards, you don't have to explain yourself to everyone, but don't let things get so out of hand around you. You are gaining some mystical qualities :D the first Moby Dick maybe :D