
Exciting times and great news again! Thanks a bunch for sharing with us all. Namaste :)

So many great things happening here and as a new user so many things to learn. Very much appreciate this. Upvoted and following you. All the best!

Thank you for summarising in text! Unable to listen in at the moment. Sounds exciting. Steemit needs a live blog format to make this easier!

Welcome, thought some may appreciate this. :)

I agree live blog would be nice .

Thanks for the write up! I spend most of my time browsing on my phone, so I don't get a chance to listen/view audio/video much. I really appreciate the text version that I can read :)

You're very welcome. Thought it would be good to give people an idea.

Thanks for the heads up... now there and listening/lurking.

I'm Just checked it, you'll Payout $148.17 in 45 minutes :P @virtualgrowth


Its paid. So for this jib, can i expect some rewards from you :P @virtualgrowth

Thank you,Resteemed