A couple day's ago I posted about the launch of my newest project. Hashon.ru is a faucet site geared towards driving traffic, bitcoiners to steemit.com. All the bitcoin profits generated from ads are exchanged, invested in STEEM/SBD, and then stored in a steemit.com savings account. Currently steemit.com pays 15% APR interest on STEEM/SBD savings. I intend on using the 15% APR interest to exchanged to btc as needed to finance the hashon.ru faucet. For more info...
As many of us know faucets these day's are hardly profitable and more of a hobby for most bitcoiners who would like to support or should I say facilitate the adoption of crypto curreny's. So how has hashon done over the last few day's? Let's have a look.
Hashon.r faucet Stats:

As you can see over 116 users have already been logged with over 0.001486 btc claimed.
Currently I am tracking everything the hard way via coinurl and anonymous ads. I have redirected all the steemit related url's via coinurl to improve profits and enable tracking of traffic aswell.
Let's use coinurl as a quick reference to see what is crack o lacking!
As you can see hashon had just over 700 visitors for 2016/11/16 (yesterday). This is nothing to hectic yet but not bad after one days markings if I do say so myself.
Now, because I have shortened all the steemit related links via coinurl, I can profit a little extra and track the exact amount of clicks, therefore in theory we will have a general idea of how much traffic hashon.ru has sent to steemit.com/ in the last couple day's.
Now, if I do the math and count up everything from both coinurl and anonymous ads with some other resources hashon has sent a conservative estimated 100 new people to steemit.com in the last 48hr's. This is considering they all were redirected after the coinurl advertisements.
As you can see current earnings are just over 0.001 btc, not doing to badly so far i think.
A quick summary
Cost of faucets total payouts 0.00148600
Current accumulated profits from ads 0.0011259
Minus 0.00148600 from 0.0011259 and I have a loss of 0.00037341 btc.
+- 100 people referred to steemit.com, Priceless!!!!! ^^
So as it stands I am not making a profit but the traffic looks good and I believe the investment might pay off in the long term and facilitate the growth of steemit. Keeping in mind I have invited a targeted user database of over 7000 users to visit hashon.ru and claim to get the ball rolling. My next step will be to create a awesome steemit landing page to refer to, that will encourage people to vote for the post and encourage registration. Any idea's and community feedback would be great!
Site: http://hashon.ru
How can you help?
All proceeds from this post will be geared towards funding the faucet. Please up-vote , re-steem or make a donation.
Donate STEEM/SBD: @virtashare.
Donate BTC: 1KY1QP5eMexF2PDuA2eKj6Seuct11Nvk8S
I thank you for your support!