The Blockchain Renaissance: How Decentralisation is Empowering Lives

in #steemit7 years ago

The blockchain can transform your life. This very instant.

Let's see how the blockchain technology can empower lives and change the freelancing space forever.

Bitcoin Blockchain. Fed up with the seemingly complex concept? Don't be. It isn't.

Let me explain the essence of the beautiful blockchain technology so you'll never be left puzzled again. You'll not lose the big trending buzz anymore.

What is Blockchain? The Blockchain is a Record

That's it really. The blockchain is a record copied on several computers. Only it is immutable. You can write to it, but no one can change it. Imagine a Google doc sheet open on several computers.

What you type is visible to everyone. There's complete transparency. This is where the power lies.

Change Your Life. Now.

The blockchain technology brings back power where it truly belongs. In your hands. In everyone's hands. There's no central authority looking out upon you. You got it right- You are your own boss.

Conventional Freelancing is a Thing of the Past

Freelancing is rapidly taking the world by storm. But, you know, there's a secret people won't tell you.

You can work on online freelancing portals at your own pace, earning a decent revenue, from the comfort of your home.

BUT, you could lose out.

Cutthroat competition. Lower, one-time revenues. No recognition. You'll be frustrated, sooner or later.

There's a Way Out: Blockchain Freelancing

With the emergence of Steemit and other such blockchain-based content creation platforms, it is easier to break all hurdles and all take control back into your hands.

It will take time. But it will work. Best of all, there's no stopping. No censorship. You have control.

Create good original content and share it with the world.

The Blockchain revolution is here to stay.

How are you making the most of the blockchain revolution as a freelancer? Let us know!


(The author is a top-rated freelance writer who's worked for Forbes and Fortune listed companies. She is not affiliated with Steemit in any manner. All opinions expressed are solely her own.)


Crypto give power back to the people where it is suppose to be. Its our generation's revolution! Down with the man!

Very well said! The blockchain technology democratises power, distributing where it was really meant to be. If you liked the article, please upvote and resteem to share the word, thanks!

There's a Way Out: Blockchain Freelancing

That's what were all about! Freelancing on the blockchain can mostly certainly transform someone's life and career!

The Steem Freelancer's Guild is a collective of freelancers ranging from experienced professionals to those just starting their careers. You can join our prestigious group for a one-time fee of 5 SBD, and benefit from a shared support net of promotion and partnership!
We'd love to chat with you about what the guild has to offer! Find us on Discord if you're interested in growing your Steemit freelance business!

Exactly! The blockchain holds a promising future for freelancers! One, that is free from all bounds and restrictions. One, where the freelancer can truly contribute his best in the real spirit of freelancing

Excellent and informative article! Such platforms are definitely a new hope for emerging freelancers.

Thank you! Glad you liked it. True- such platforms as Steemit are a new hope for freelancers. It takes time, but the effort is worth it! You get to share your thoughts and reach an amazing community. All thanks to the power of the blockchain.