Excellent post, mate! I'm fascinated for all your histories. It's a great goal, and wow ... I admire you @luzcypher all the work you apply to #openmic is incredible. I hope you have an enormous success, and that we continue with the joy of having you as a pillar of the openmic.
Thanks for this post, all the information is super useful.
it's still big, it grows, it goes up and it does not stop
gracias por este post, está super util toda la informacion.
sigue grande, crece, sube y no pares!
Thanks SO much for your kind words and support. Open Mic does take a lot of time but it is a lot of fun too.
Uff yeah... I have a minuscule idea of how difficult it must be to take care of that kind of project. I have faith that ignorance in people is not so much, and that they really appreciate all this. but if not, go forward, fighting for your ideals, for a clean conscience, and a smile every morning, knowing that your work makes you happy as an individual.
Sorry my inglish! ha ha. Peace bro, smile! It's free! Ha ha :)
tengo una idea minúscula de lo difícil que debe ser atender ese proyecto. yo tengo fe en que la ignorancia en la gente no es tanta, y que de verdad aprecian todo esto. pero si no, sigue hacia adelante, luchando por tus ideales, por una conciencia limpia, y una sonrisa cada mañana, sabiendo que tu trabajo te hace feliz como individuo.