*** Disclaimer - This is a potentially controversial post so please read all of it before making any judgements about the contents. Thanks! ***
For the sake of this post, let's assume a couple things as fact (don't worry why will become apparent shortly)!1.) Time Travel is an absolute possible thing and humanity has/will figure out how to do it!
2.) Time is linear (for the sake of examples)!
Now having said that, we need to look at what Time Travel would entail. What the consequences would be. What adverse reactions or results would occur do to Time Travel or to the Time Traveler.
First, my thoughts on the matter. If you (or anyone) traveled back to any point that occured prior to your departure a few things would be true:
1.) You would arrive (in the past) of the timeline you departed the future from,
2.) The instant you arrived in the past a new timeline would form, running parallel to the timeline you left the future from,
3.) Anything you change, alter or modify while in the past would only occur on the new timeline that formed upon your arrival in the past.
Now, why do I believe those things? Well first everything we know as human beings screams that it would be absolutely impossible to leave one timeline and jump to another timeline. Mathematically, physically, scientifically it is impossible. So therefore when you travel back in time you do so on your own timeline and upon arrival in the past you form a new timeline. Furthermore, if anything you changed/modified/altered in the past affected the original timeline you would never have been able to travel back in time in the first place as all of your past would have happened differently, resulting in you likely never existing.
So let's say you leave 2019 and travel back in time to 1776 to witness the American Colonies Declare Independence. Your mere arrival in 1716 would change things. No matter how careful you are, your presence would result in an insect getting stepped on that wouldn't have otherwise, or a bird changing it's flight path resulting in altered weather patterns, or someone doing something different (besides you) because you were there, in their way, talking to them, etc. Because of this any changes that occur do so on the new timeline your presence created.
Here is where things get tricky though. That new timeline actually creates an entirely new dimension or reality. One that is parallel to your original dimension or reality. One where things can be different without affecting your very existence. As long as you are in the past you are existing in both dimensions, your original one you left the future in and the new one your presence in the past created. If you stayed there long enough you could, at least in theory, watch two different futures unfold simultaneously - one you remember studying and one that is different.
Where things really get tricky is when you try and leave the past and return to the time you departed from, or travel to any other point in the future from where you are at in 1776. If you were to travel back from 2019 to 1776 then try and return to 2019 you would do so on the new timeline/dimension/reality you created when you arrived in 1776. If you, however, traveled from 2019 back to 1776 then forward to 1919 (for example) you would still be "in the past" and as therefore you would create a second alternate timeline/dimension/reality.
Confused yet? Well it gets worse so grab a cold one and buckle up Sally cause this ride is about to get rough!
Now, let's say you traveled from 2019 back to 1776, you murdered all the founding fathers before they declared independence and then tried to return to the point in the future you left from. You would do so on the new timeline/dimension/reality and immediately upon your arrival in 2019 would notice things different. However, shortly after arriving in 2019 Time would Correct Itself. By that I mean that the alternate timeline would merge with the original timeline. Resulting you having memories of both timelines. Furthermore, people/things that existed in the alternate timeline might survive the merger and become part of the original timeline from that point forward.
Which gives us The Mandela Effect!
For those of you that aren't really sure of what the hell The Mandela Effect is let me give you a brief synopsis.
The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon named after the former South African Leader Nelson Mandela. It is a phenomenon where some people remember things, events, occurrences extremely vividly but history says they occured differently than what people remember them. It was named after Nelson Mandela because of the wide array of "Memories" people have concerning him.
For example:
1.) Many people remember Nelson Mandela being ousted from power during a Coup in the 1980's and then dying in Prison, also in the 1980's.
2.) Many people remember him being released from Prison (after the coup) and retaking the country as it's Elected Leader. Then going on to win the Nobel Peace Prize!
3.) Many people remember him being accused, tried and convicted of Acts of Genocide against his own people and being put to death.
There are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of examples of The Mandela Effect. Such as:
1.) The children's book Berenstein Bears as it is remembered by millions of people; yet history says it has always been Berenstain Bears.
2.) The popular candy bar Kit-Kat as many people remember it; yet history says it has always been KitKat.
3.) The popular children's cereal Fruit Loops as many people remember it; yet history says it has always been Froot Loops!
4.) The 1980's film Shazaam starring the comedian Sinbad is remembered by millions of people and has even been found on VHS (that survived the merger of dimensions) and uploaded to the internet - yet all evidence, including Sinbad himself, says the movie NEVER EXISTED!
5.) In the movie Forest Gump there was a famous line "Mamma always said life was like a box of chocolates" yet if you watch the movie now he didn't say it that way
6.) In the movie The Matrix “What if I told you everything you know is a lie?”? History shows that line was never said but millions remember it being said when Morpheus first met Neo!
7.) The TV show "Sex in the City" as EVERYONE REMEMBERS IT has always been "Sex and the City"!
8.) How many space shuttles Blew Up? Most people remember two: Challenger in 1986 that exploded shortly after launch and Columbia that exploded on reentry in 2003 but some of us remember Discovery exploding on the launch pad before take off in the early 1990's.
9.) Almost everyone who ever saw the original Star Wars as a child remembers the line "Luke, I am your father" yet history says that Darth Vader actually said "No, I am your father".
10.) Also in Star Wars EVERYONE remembers C3P0 being ALL GOLD yet if you watch any of the movies now he has ONE SILVER LEG (from the knee down) and apparently ALWAYS HAS!
The list literally could go on for days, but I think you get the point.
Now if your mind isn't already exploded across the cosmos it just might now.
Almost everyone I know has had a feeling of DejaVu. Going somewhere they have never been before but swearing they remembered it. Or doing something they had never done before but knowing exactly how to do it without thought. Both are common examples of DejaVu.
In my case in 2006/2007 I went to Greece, Italy, France, Spain and England with no research ahead of time, no tour guides or maps while there and having never been to any of them before. But I knew exactly where to go, what I was looking at when I got there and an incredible amount of information about the things I saw flooded into me from seemingly nowhere. This, I believe, was DejaVu - More specifically I believe it was a direct result of Time Travel creating Alternate timelines. Timelines in which I lived (existed) at a different point in Time on One Timeline than I do in this Timeline.
Earlier, in this post, I stated that sometimes when the Timelines merge people or things can cross over from one timeline to another, including memories. What if, for the safe of this post, I existed in another timeline where "Ancient Rome" as we know it was in fact "Modern Rome" in that timeline; when that timeline merged with this one I merged and retained (subconscious) memories from the other timeline in which the original Rome still stood? That would explain how I knew where all the "Ancient Sites" in Greece, Italy and France where without doing any research or ever going there before. Additionally, I believe in another timeline I lived in "Modern Day Spain and England" and that that timeline has merged with this one as I remember stuff about those two countries as well, when I arrived in them.
Then there is the case of Nelson Mandela. Suppose, if you will, that in one timeline he actually did Die in Prison in the 1980's. In another timeline he was a brutal dictator who was tried, convicted and executed of War Crimes while in yet another timeline he survived prison, regained control of South Africa and went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize; then at some point (between 1983 and 2013) the timelines merged together and he was again alive and well and millions upon millions of people have differing memories of him and his life!
Sadly, Nelson Mandela isn't the only example of someone existing under odd circumstances.
In 1954 a plane landed in Japan coming from Europe. While the passengers where going through Customs one man identified himself as being from the country of Taured which no one ever remembers existing. He had a passport from that country with Stamps from his previous trips to Japan. He had a checkbook from a non existent bank in that country. He had currency from that country. The company he was coming to Japan to meet had never heard of him. Yet when shown a world map he pointed to the tiny country of Andorra (wedged between France and Spain) and swore that it was Taured and had been for 1,000 years. Customs officials placed in him a hotel room for the night, under guard, while they investigated. The next morning the guy had vanished along with almost all proof he ever existed.

Make sure you follow me on Youtube @ VenusPCS!

Indeed the mind boggles the Mandela effect blows my mind and keeps doing so. Always though CERN had something to do with it but maybe your right here???? 💯🐒
I intentionally didn't mention them as they might be ONE CAUSE of it but not the MAIN CAUSE. Truth is I have found reports of verifiable Mandela Effects back as far as 1896 which kind of blew my mind because I thought for sure this started with Nikola Tesla and this seems to confirm my theory....I haven't done enough research yet to actually say he was the "first time traveler" all though I believe he might have been the "first modern human to time travel" and Nikola Tesla himself described doing so in his journal around the year.....you guessed it 1896.
Tesla was a pioneer and he is being cut out of history. There are photos he has been cut out, also the information is disappearing fast. I would love to read when you post it. Any video I try and watch has been deleted; this often means you're onto something 💯🐒
Interesting. Ever sice I was a little kid I was interested in time travel. Through Star Trek, A Wrinkle in Time and other shows of that day. Back to the Future comes to mind as well. Thanks for sharing. @venuspcs
Back to the Future was a good movie as long as you weren't analytical or scientifically minded.....if you were it made you want to cry, scream and throw shit at the TV.
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