I really appreciate this post because I'm new here, and I've been looking for other cool women to follow, and I've noticed there doesn't seem to be much of a female community on here. In terms of my favorite women here on this site, I don't have a lot of recommendations because I'm still new and learning the ropes, but I can at least talk a little bit about myself (don't worry, I won't go on too long about myself). I don't have a super well-defined plan on what to talk about on this site yet, but it'll probably be a mix of my interests (crypto, heavy metal, queer culture, languages, art, cybersecurity and privacy, books, movies, etc.)
For anyone who wants to learn more about cryptocurrencies, I recommend reading Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos. The whole book is available to read for free online, and the 2nd edition is coming out soon.
I also think you might be interested in knowing that on November 27, 2014, someone stored a message in Bitcoin's blockchain (in this transaction: 5bf2fe3150e6fe96e9d768d18c989448a8640d30aa1c71f484dc14d38096a516this tool for converting hex to ASCII.)) that says, "From now on, it's hashling power, because #bitcoin not feminine enough #hashling #FeministHackerBarbie" (On Blockchain.info, click "Show scripts & coinbase" then convert the input script to ASCII to see the message. I'm a big fan of
On the note of creating a stronger female voice, I think any site naturally grows around what's put into it. So hopefully if we girls create quality content and promote female positivity, we'll see the gender disparity disappear as time goes on. What's great about a platform like this (as @vm2904 said) is that it's equal opportunity. There aren't any systematic barriers we have to overcome; we just need to create a voice for ourselves. My one concern is that a lot of women and non-binary people may feel unwelcome in contexts like this. Certainly, tech spaces are not always very friendly if you're not a man. We can all (men included) work to make this space more welcoming.