One of my main issues with steemit is the fact that its hard for me to keep track of content.
I have various interests and as such i end up browsing a lot of different tag here on steemit, I find it hard as sometimes ill forgot what the specific tag is and if its not in the side bar, unlucky for me. I guess it is that I came from reddit before here and the subreddit's were what made that place great to me.
Now i do not know if the steemit team already has something like this in progress but i think it would be a great addition to steemit. I would love to just even be able to follow specific tags.
I guess i am mainly just having a whine about it but still it would improve the user experience to implement something along the lines of following tags.
I would love to know if anything like this was planned and if it isn't I just hope it will be at somepoint. Steemit seems to be great and hope it keeps improving!