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RE: The Trending Tab on Steemit is Becoming Paid Programming and Should Be Labelled Accordingly

in #steemit7 years ago

I really appreciate your forthright discussion of your self-admiration.

In my post I used the word 'flaggot', which I concur is a generic insult. I later said that claiming to flag posts because of rewards was bullshit, and tagged @berniesanders. I'm pretty sure that was insulting, although it's true.

Those are the only two even potentially insulting statements in the post.

"With all due respect, you post is full of insults. I don't see how a post like that is supposed create awareness or even change anything."

Perhaps because it's not your post. However, I'm aware that neither I, nor the entire cohort of minnows can change anything on a platform where 38 whales hold the vast majority of VP.

I suspect you may delude yourself into thinking you can change that.

"This post here isn't a debate about what you want to talk about either. Keep that in mind."

As you point out, no one controls you. Just as true about me.

What I'll keep in mind is not to bother conversing with anyone so vain they refer to themselves in the third person ever again.

Thanks for expressing the real you.
