To the Person Whose Full Upvote Costs $0.001 This is For You

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


So, you are now hitting the one-month mark and you still feel unappreciated and unnoticed in the platform. Negativity and discouragement is now storming your entire system. Trust me, you are not alone. Everybody will go through that stage as Steemit is not just a battleground of talented writers, photographers and artists. It is more like an arena of war between the talented and those untalented yet persevering individuals who are still on the process of discovering their weapons in this system.

In the words of our superhero @surpassinggoogle,

However, it is very possible that you may feel tied! When your "odds" is an entire mountain, an entire nation and your very self, then it is very possible to feel tied and become a box that's harder to unbox.

So, you see, what you are going through right now is very normal and have been experienced even by those who are considered big fishes in Steemit.

I have been asking around as to how to succeed in this platform and repeatedly answered with the usual,

Post quality articles.

It is one short, honest and straightforward answer yet insufficient to those who are still starting. How do you define quality? How do I make quality?

Thus, I have created this article for those who are still unsure what quality article is and how ensuring such will help you boost your value and earnings in the platform. All the discussion that will be shared here are all based on my years of experience as a blogger and a writer in multiple niches.

I will make sure to cover all areas that need to be prioritized upon blog creation and publication. Also, I will highlight few behaviors that will help you succeed in Steemit. So, read on and widen your learning horizon.

Quality Articles Need Quality Titles

This is a no brainer as we all know that title is the very first thing that your readers will see. This will either make or break their interest to read your article. So, you have to make sure that your title is interesting, enticing and unique for you to get the attention and curiosity of your readers.

You can always make sure that your title is a combination of common, uncommon, emotional and powerful words. You can opt to use the tool which has helped me for years now.

This is the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

When you are using this tool, your only goal is to hit at least 70%. With this, you can already guarantee a more appealing title for your articles.

Grammar and Spelling are Also Important

Of course, you would not be able to fully convey your message to your readers with erroneous article. No matter how great your message is if it is delivered with a lot of errors, your readers will lose interest and find other writers that can fulfill their demands without hassles of spelling and grammar.

Luckily for all of us here in Steemit, I haven’t met any grammar nazi. However, regardless how understanding people in Steemit are, everybody deserves a well-written and proofread article.

You can always subscribe to
to ensure that you will be able to minimize grammar errors in your article. It also check proper word usage and spelling.

Promote Plagiarism-Free Articles

If you do not want your account to be flagged by Cheetah and other plagiarism bots, make sure that you only post original articles. Cite your references when there really is a need for their work to be included in your article. Again, the golden rule in writing is ;

To give credit where credit is due.

It is very helpful that you also learn how to paraphrase articles to avoid any plagiarism issues in your work. Also, you can make use of anti-plagiarism tools such as []9 or

Disclaimer: Some of the tools that were mentioned here requires monthly subscription. It will still depend on you when you prefer to use their services. A little investment from your Steemit earnings will definitely go a long way.

Structure is Essential Too
Just like writing your journal and essays during highschool, your blog should still follow the recommended structure of written articles.

Introduction presents your general topic and set the sail for your discussion. Making excellent and attractive introduction is just as important as creating alluring title. This is where your readers gauge whether they did the right thing opening your article and once they feel like they were wrong doing such, they will automatically close the page leaving you no chance to prove your skills. So, make sure that your introduction magnets your readers’ interest even more and also allow them to look forward to your further discussion.

The body of your article should answer all the questions which you have presented in the introduction. Also, this is where you fulfill your promise to your readers by discussing the main topic of your article. You managed to get their attention. Thus, it is only imperative that you deliver what they expect from you.

Conclusion is where you summarize the main points of your discussion and also the part where you remind your readers that you fulfilled your promise of delivering the needed information. This is also where you include your own understanding and your recommendation for all your readers to follow or see for themselves.

Find Your Niche. Write About Your Interests

We have heard how Steemit pushes us to try different fields of interest. In fact, through Steemit, I was able to embrace acceptance and interests in the cryptoworld and start developing my drawing skills. However, when you are still starting, it is best that you develop first the things that you are good at.

Master your craft. Develop your expertise until you reach the zenith of success. Playing trial error with other field is not a bad thing but when you are still building your reputation and name in the platform, it is best that you do it with your best foot forward.

Never Beg People to Follow You or Upvote Your Posts

This is something that is very personal to me. In fact, if you will check my account, you will see that I only have 85 followers. 85 followers in 20 days. To most of the people in Steemit, that is way too slow. However, I am very proud to say that these 85 followers I have actually chose me. I never asked them to check my profile or upvote my posts.

You may have thousands of followers under your name but are you sure all of them are looking forward to your every posts? Are you confident that these are loyal followers? The thing is, if you beg people to upvote your posts, you will only have their vote once (most likely only during the time you asked them to). Thus, you will still find your future posts underrated and unnoticed.

So, people, just like in real life, never beg people to choose you. Let them do the choosing and if they are satisfied with you and your work, they will stay and will even support you achieve your goals.

All in all, Steemit is an interactive platform where everyone should push each other to be better in their chosen game. So, always encourage people. Tell them the best ways to improve themselves. Talk to each other. Afterall, Steemit wants us to be interactive.

The abovementioned tips will surely make a difference in your Steemit journey. So, practice and apply them in your future posts. If there is something you would like to add, feel free to leave your comment in the reply box.

WITNESSES: @aggroed | @ausbitbank | @blocktrades | @cloh76.witness | @curie | @pfunk |@precise | @smooth.witness | @someguy123 | @steemgigs | @timcliff | @utopian-io


This article is definitely for me, lol. A struggling blogger who wants to be known and recognized on this platform. I haven't reached my 1-month mark but so far I am very happy with how things are going.

I have read a lot of posts from fellow Steemians and upon reading each post, I can't help but feel insecure.There are way too many talented people here, and my writing skill (though I have been writing for about half of my life now) is nothing compared to them.

Luckily because of my previous jobs, I have access to tools such as Copyscape, which I found very helpful. I even use this tool to check my students' works related to writing (yes I'm a teacher). I teach my students the same structure that you have mentioned on this post, and I hope more people will be able to read this, especially the ones who are just starting and are not good at writing.

Moreover, I definitely agree that one should NEVER beg for upvotes or follow. I am also proud to say that my followers chose to follow me. And even though I don't get the recognition I want, for now, it is ok. Coz I myself believe that I am still not good enough, that there is always something new to learn, that there is always a room for improvement, that I am still a work in progress.

There is only one thing that I would like to add to this amazing article, SOCIALIZE. This platform is a social platform, hence engagement is imperative. It is not enough to post high quality articles, you also need to make engagements. How to do this? Simple: support quality articles by upvoting them, leave a comment to encourage the writer to create more high quality posts, join groups (in my case I joined #steemitachievers and #steemitfamilyph) and make friends... be sincere, be positive, and always be appreciative. 😊

Again, I commend you for writing such a good article. I hope to see more of your future posts. 😊

Hi @chinitacharmer! First of all, I didn't know someone can beat @maverickinvictus when it comes to lengthy comments. Nyahahaha! Kidding aside, we are actually on the same boat. Before Steemit, I thought my writing is good enough only to meet a bunch of excellent writers in Steemit. I realized, I still need to learn a lot.

Thus, everyday, I am challenge to look for interesting topics and make sure to only produce articles at par with the rest of their submissions. I guess everybody is still a work in progress regardless of the time they spent in the writing industry. Everything evolves along with the time and technological advancement.

Thank you for all the kind words and also, to your additional information. I am very grateful to have meet bunches of people who uplift everyone instead of treating others as "competitors."Again, thank you mucho!

Keep being awesome and I look forward to your first visit in Bukidnon!

Idol ko kasi si @maverickinvictus, kaya nahawa ako! 😂 Sa kanya aq nag benchmark. 😁

I am also happy to meet so many amazing people here on Steemit. Lahat positive lang.

Yes, I will definitely tell you if I do visit. ☺

Yehey! Salamat ulit!

Nahiya naman ako sa benchmark eh mas magagaling kayo!

I love your comment very substantial!

101% helpful article!
I used to earn that amount per upvote!
I am not a professional writer nor blogger!
My English & grammar is also not good!

But the best thing is that we learn, everyday I learn, especially a post like this we get tips on how to work this things out the right way.

Thank you for the tips, especially to those links referred for the correction of grammar & etc.

Thanks again!

Hope you support my journey here in #steemit I'm on my way to increasing my earning per posts.

yeah! @jjeeppeerrxx143! We'll work on our weaknesses together. Don't hesitate to ping me if you are in doubt or needs assistance with anything. Thanks for dropping by! Also, make sure to use those tools, they helped me a lot these past few years. Just be mindful of the down times though:)

This is a great post. Thanks Val! Glad this was featured by #steemitfamilyph. I liked the headline analyzer tip the most. A lot of people miss how important titles are (I'm one too hehe), so this is incredibly helpful. Thanks!

I'm glad I could help @jazzhero! I am also struggling in the platform but through the learnings shared by helpful individuals, I have learned a lot of things. So, I figured, I should do the same. Give forward. Thank you for appreciating this article!Keep steeming!

Very good article Val! Indeed quality is needed and I learned a new tool!! That is so cool on the title.

I use the archaic way of finishing my article and then thinking of what it calls to me.

I used to do that too! Actually, I didn't know at first that there are tools that will help me improve my titles. I was sooo frustrated the first few days I've used such tool as I am not hitting 70%. Lol!

nice thnx

thank you @national! thanks for dropping by!

Thank you sis for sach a very informative post
Keep in touch

thank you so much @annie32! Keep on steeming!


Thank you! Enjoy the rest of the day:)

Wow thank you. This post will really help me a lot and will improve my future posts. Upvoted and resteemed.

wew!! Thank you so much @fukumi! Yep, let's be better in Steemit. Keep being awesome!!!

Awesome! I needed this info! Thanks for posting this! 😊

Thank you for dropping by! Enjoy the rest of the day. Keep steeming!

This post is really for me, I'm not a blogger or a writer, and have to improve my grammar too.. I need to practice more in my arts and crafts and etc... :)

hi @tonie! Thank you so much for the kind words. I intended this article especially to those who really need guidance. We all need each other and I would like to believe that everyone can offer something. Just offering what I have:)

Thank you @valerie keep inspiring :)

Your post has been featured on our daily featured posts. Congratulations.


Yehey!! Thank you so much @steemitfamilyph!

Thank you for the tips. I really need this kind of article. Hahaha!

@wilynethcantong, hello there! Thanks for appreciating this post. Enjoy your day!

resteemed ! a constant reminder for a struggling newbie to move and go farther :)

@shengrubel, hello! Thank you so much for the apprecion of this post. Keep steeming!

I find all your post interesting to newbies like me. You gave me ideas how to create my posts interesting. I hope I can be able to interesting posts like you do. I am look forward to myself to be as good as you 😊

Hi @supercessang! With your enthusiasm and willingness to learn, I am pretty sure you will achieve great things! Again, we are already in this platform. So, let's make the best out of it. Learn more. Everything will follow. Thank you for dropping by and for leaving your comment:) Comments like these always warm an aspiring writer's heart. Cheers! Feel free to ask questions:)

I wanna know your other social media so I can talk to you more if you don't mind me being close to you =)

Sure2. Which Steemit group are you in?

Click here for my social media account


my account is showing and not yours. Hehe I'm with SteemitFamilyPH.

I'm also with steemitfamilyph:) haha!

for reals? haha.

Great article with very important information for ALL SteemIt Users! (Will they read it, who knows?) If they do not, it is Their Loss. You tried to do your best by gently offering free guidance. Thank you for your time!

hi @valerie15, You know that I am not a good writer/blogger. and of course, I admit that my grammar is poor, hehehe .. now I learned new things. Interesting and capable to pursue to my future posts. Thank you Val for introducing steemit. resteemed and upvoted!

Nice text

Thank you! Thanks for dropping by! Enjoy the rest of the day:)

Why you upvote him? Its useless comment.
There are better once here in comment section.
I downvote.

Hi, @tuvokhl! Hahah sorry, it's reflex and I thought sharing 0.001 of my upvote would not hurt. Anyway, thank you for the reminder. I realized, if I upvote one, maybe I should upvote eveyone else especially those who really made a more valuable comment. :) Thanks again!

Yes, those who are more Valuable. Thats why you got a slider. @valerie15

@tuvokhl, thanks again! :)