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RE: Reflections and Tips for International Steemit Members and Growth Communities

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Thank you for helping us indonesian this whole time. Especially @aiqabrago and @levycore. Since our community grow faster and bigger over time i hope you will always have our back. Because sometime our curators ( @aiqabrago and @levycore) are overwhelmed by the number of new member in our community.

I really appreciate your help all this time. You ( @donkeypong) and your team make us motivated to create a good post every single day.

We (indonesian steemit community) even plan to make another meetup in another city to get more attention of the prospective member. After having unofficial meeting with @levycore we wanna spread this community even more larger. In java we have our member ( @mirzacho) to spread the 'virus'.

Thank you, if you have any suggestion we will gladly apply it to our community.