Greetings! I speak with everyone who has something intelligent to say.
I think the massive funding of EOS (to the point that they themselves don't even know what to spend the money on) shows that they can easily create amazing apps and handle them in a way that has not been done before.
What specifically do you want to talk about here?
I will say that while having a social network can be fun, what many people NEED is actual help in life or access to resources - they are desperate in many cases, so doing something to address that is paramount. Frustratingly, part of why so many are desperate is the massive wealth inequality on the planet which has at it's roots absolute and total fraud/theft. Therefore, any system which mimics the prevailing system in the outer world will inevitably also bring with it the same and similar problems. Being able to distil all of this into a social platform is part of what makes this experiment so appealing and special - we just need a concerted effort to recognise all of this collectively and work together in harmony for the benefit of all. This may be easier said than done, but it can be done.
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I appreciate both your original comment, but especially this one.
There seems to be a big disconnect with the haves, and have-nots both in the real world, and on here. Plankton/Minnows upset they earn so little while watching huge payouts on other posts, not totally understanding why the payouts are so large. Then there are the people who have a large accounts who have been here for a months or from the beginning who have worked hard, (or not) who sometimes believe that the tiny accounts are greedy to be so concerned with payouts.
the underlying issue and attraction to steemit, what is drawing such a huge number of new accounts, imo, is exactly what you mention here. People with little are desperate to earn more money. It's not that they are greedy. It's that they cannot pay their rent. They cannot afford their medicines. They want to be able to, gasp, got to one movie a month. They have family they are supporting. They cannot find work. they are already working 40-100 hour weeks and barely making ends meet. Yet these small accounts also don't understand that many the big accounts ARE specifically looking and trying to help the tiny accounts by curating them. But there are soooooooo many accounts, 10s of thousands of accounts, that if they are all posting just once or twice a week, let alone 1-2 times a day, is just totally unsustainable for such a small number of big accounts.
its a reflection of the wealth inequality mirror. That is a reason the tiny accounts don't stick around. well, at least one of the reasons. IMO.
Absolutely, yes - well said. If we imagine this nework were a physical location with many people wandering around.. The ones with significant wealth would be almost impossible to locate by chance as there are so few of them. This is just as the offline world is currently. There needs to be some kind of improved way for giving a boost up to everyone who is not in the fortunate position to have the larger wallets. I know from experience, that as long as there are some people with good upvote power and vision who support others, then those others can creatively do what they need to do to then help everyone.. But this requires a shift in consciousness on multiple levels to truly be an evolution and successful across the board. This is part of why I focus so intently on evolving consciousness so that Earth can enjoy balance.
There are tons of freelance jobs of various sorts that could be created, if we got larger scale projects going on, and maybe managed to see some more appropriate specialization of labor and brains.
Especially the true poor, omg, what we could do with our money if we let people truly and biologically bid for all the work that it would take to build a revolutionary community.
If we’re jusy making money, what are we.
The issues are multi-dimensional. Health must be addressed first, spiritually, emotionally and biologically. The 'help' given in these areas is backwards most of the time and is causing parts of the problems to get far worse than they need be. The problem then becomes one of getting the right information to the right people, in the right way that they can be empowered enough to support themselves. That's what I have been learning to do for years - we will get there.
Without true health we cannot work much and are likely then to be forced only to work for the people who have the most money who usually only ask us to do things that benefit them and people like them. A healing process will include groups forming to help each other on all levels - which is something that happens quickly on social networks when they aren't being censored as we have been forced to put up with for the last few years.
Health is not my specialty but I’m very interested in paying much more attention to it, on like every level.
I keep thinking for moments that the “community” isn’t one in any sense.
That it’s a totally wild mix of different communities, some of whom I have essentially zero Interest in from my own perspective, except as people.
Some are here just for money, simply because they’re in dire need, and that I get and can even fully imagine working with.
I’d rather hire a human from a poor village who somehow can communicate with the whole world, if they can do The job, and the job is meaningful.
Some just don’t want to work at all, are highly biased in favor of themselves, and want to be paid for almost nothing. Not interested, and not really part of any meaningful community.
Some want to build utilities and earn, and I’m fine with that, even delegations to them of some type, but I think Misterdelegation should “itself” be made up of a community team, and subject to the referendum of funds with sufficient population support.
I don’t like bots as they stand and would rather pure investors bought Steem and could just take their fair share on the free market. Straight up. No more wasted time and intellect moving it through “votes”. Just be what you are.
Shit, my kids got here and I’m afraid to forget to post any of this comment. More to come lol
I like how you think. you got my vote { :
I replied but must not have sent it, and can’t find where I did so. I might have closed the window. It doesn’t give you a warning like many sites. I’ll get back to here later or tomorrow. Would like to talk. Have a lot that I think is often seen as intelligent by curious folks who know they don’t. And networking/conversation seems to be the best way.