Crypto Currency Trading – My Experience as a newbie – Journey to STEEM

in #steemit7 years ago

Talking about me as a Cryptocurrency trader – I am a newbie. And in this post (and some more posts to come) I will share my experience and learning which will be helpful for a newbie in cryptocurrency trading.But before that I will share my journey to STEEM.
Further I realized that I can increase the BTC available with me by trading this in a crypto market.So I just registered up with Poloniex and Bittrex , transferred some BTCs into each of them, and there I go , ready to trade again… the thing I thought I would never ever do. There are much more exchanges you can try which are listed on coinmarketcap.

While trading, I came across a number of coins. A further glance on tells us that there are 800+ Coins/Assets i.e. apart from competing with fiat currencies like USD and others, Bitcoin is also competing with all of these coins, major competitors being Ethereum and Ripple.
So, to learn new trade tips and tricks, I went on through lots of hours of youtube videos, where lots of helpful people are sharing useful data on cryptocurrencies.